Verwoestende veldbrande in die Noord-Kaap vereis regeringsingryping Agri Noord-Kaap - Janine Byleveld
Die Noord-Kaap beleef 'n veldbrandseisoen wat merkwaardig verskil van en meer intens is as vorige jare. Volgens historiese data het die Noord-Kaap in die verlede nooit baie veldbrande beleef nie. In onlangse jare het hierdie prentjie egter drasties verander. Hierdie...
Noordwes-boere op hul knieë oor brande RNews | Henry Walsh
Agri SA sê die verwoestende uitwerking van voortdurende branduitbrake in die Vrystaat, Noordwes en Noord-Kaap sal gevoel word lank nadat die brande geblus is. “Wildbrande kan groot skade aan plante, diere en gemeenskappe aanrig en ook voedselsekerheid bedreig. In...
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Besproeiingsinstituut SABI
Red ‘n Plaas 2023 | Droogte, Verlies & Hoop Caritas Gemeenskapsfokus
Jou donasie kan ’n reuse-verskil maak aan lewens van die landbougemeenskap in droogtegebiede van die Noord-Kaap. Mense soos Berto Archer, wat boer naby Kamieskroon, en Elton Vries, wat boer naby Springbok. Hulle vertel hul stories in die video hieronder.Maak ’n...
SANRAL Slaggat Rapporteer Toep
In Augustus is Operasie Vala Zonke, 'n samewerkende program tussen die Departement van Vervoer (DvT) en sy padagentskappe, geloods. As deel van die inisiatief is die SANRAL-toepassing ontplooi waar motoriste enige slaggate op enige pad kan aanmeld. SANRAL sal die...
Agri Noord-Kaap pos beskikbaar: Algemene Assistent
Ons is opsoek na 'n Algemene Assistent.
Agri Noord-Kaap Kongres 2022
Agri Noord-Kaap Kongres 2002Agri Noord-Kaap Kongres 2002Openingsrede Me. Alta StraussTema - Hoe oorkom ek uitdagings met positiewe denke?Groeteboodskap Mnr. Willem de Chavonnes Vrugt | President Agri Noord-WesPresidentsrede Mnr. Nicol Jansen | President Agri...
Die sprinkane is hier!
Die sprinkaanswerms is hierdie jaar ongelooflik groot en ons het befondsing nodig om die pes te bekamp. Besoek ons Agri Noord-Kaap Stigting webwerf om 'n skenking te maak. Lede van die publiek en boere word versoek om enige swerms aan me. Mulalo Matodzi by 083 326...
Die sprinkane is oppad! / Michelle van der Spuy
Boere word gevra om op die uitkyk te wees vir bruin sprinkane met die eerste uitbreking vir dié somerseisoen wat reeds in die Noord-Kaap voorkom. Soos verwag het die eerste somerreëns ook die eerste uitbreking van bruin sprinkane vir die seisoen in die Noord-Kaap...
Gratis Webinaar: My veld het afgebrand – wat nou?
Die verwoestende veldbrande in Augustus en September in die Noord-Kaap het honderdduisende hektaar weiveld vernietig en boere met talle vrae oor die pad vorentoe gelaat. Landbouweekblad bied op Donderdag 7 Oktober om 14:00 ’n gratis webinaar aan waarin verskeie...
Just One Drop – Relief for Veld Fires
Besoek gerus die nuut gestigde Niewinsgewende Organisasie, "Agri Northern Cape Foundation" deur HIER te kliek, waar jy maklik 'n skenking kan maak vir die boere van die Noord-Kaap deur ons nuwe Payfast fasiliteit te gebruik. Dit is onder andere ten bate van die "Just...
Agri SA Droogtehulp 2021
Sommige gebiede in Suid-Afrika is op hulle knieë as gevolg van die verwoestende, voortslepende droogte. Hierdie gebiede is hoofsaaklik in die Noord-Kaap, Wes-Kaap en die Oos-Kaap. Agri SA se droogtehulppogings speel 'n belangrike rol om boere en plaaswerkers in...
Jacobs se dood ‘n groot verlies vir landbougemeenskap Deur Charne Kemp via
Die skielike dood van mnr. Danie Jacobs (55), 'n uitvoerende bestuurslid van Agri Noord-Kaap, voorsitter van Agri Namakwaland en voorsitter van die komitee van omgewingsake, is vir sy gesin en die georganiseerde landbou 'n groot verlies. Jacobs is op 23 Junie in sy...
Bewusmaking van Internationale Droogte Dag
The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is a United Nations observance celebrated each year on 17 June. Its purpose is to raise awareness around desertification and drought, highlighting methods on how to prevent these from occurring.
Red ‘n Plaas Caritas Gemeenskapsfokus NPC
Die Ned. Geref. Kerk in Noord-Kaapland het in Oktober 2019 ’n ad hoc taakspan gemeenskapsversorging in samewerking met Caritas gemeenskapsfokus NPC (hierna Caritas), as gevolg van die droogte wat groot dele van die Noord-Kaap teister, daargestel. Die projek se naam is...
Agri SA submits commentary on Expropriation Bill Annelize Crosby | Agri SA
Agri SA submitted its commentary on the Expropriation Bill electronically to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure on 22 February 2021, says Annelize Crosby, head of the organisation's Land Affairs. This was mandated by all the organisation’s...
Sprinkaan Projek in Douglas Petrus Boshoff
Die jare 2020 en 2021 sal verseker vir ‘’n geruime tyd onthou word as jare van uiterstes, want dit was die Covid-19 pandemie, erge brande, dreigende vloede, oorstromings en verspoeling van paaie en saam met die baie reën groot swerms sprinkane wat in groot dele van...
SA Nasionale Minimum Loon Nicol Jansen
Luister gerus na die terugvoer wat Nicol Jansen, President van Agri Noord-Kaap gee na die aankondiging van die 2021 SA Nationale Minimum Loon.
Boks-voer-vir-‘n-Boer-projek se aanlynwinkel vir veevoerskenkings bring hoop Chrizal-Lize Muller via
Die projek Boks-vir-'n-Boervrou, wat vroeër van stapel gestuur is om hulp aan vroue op plase in droogtegeteisterde dele van die land te verleen, het 'n boervrou van Mpumalanga geïnspireer om haar eie projek te begin. Elria Steinberg, 'n boervrou van hul plaas tussen...
Al die inligting wat u benodig oor die Covid-19-virus Departement van Gesondheid
Kliek HIER vir meer inligting oor die Covid-19-virus. Wat is COVID-19?Menslike Coronavirusse kom oor die hele wêreld voor. Daar is baie verskillende koronavirusse wat by diere geïdentifiseer word, maar slegs 'n klein aantal hiervan kan siektes by mense veroorsaak. 'n...
Project Hope – Hiking in the Northern Karoo to save the farmers from the drought Read more:
Personal message - Annatjie Hibbert Radio Pulpit Visioton and Agri Noord Kaap for the farmers. We are a group of people that will be hiking 21-27th March in the Northern Karoo. We want to use the opportunity to give back to the community and want to raise funds...
Concessions Available To Farmers During A Drought Old Mutual | Monica Moodley - Legal Manager
South Africa experiences various climates and rainfall patterns. The rainfall patterns differ from area to area. The current status of our country is that water resources are very limited and the present drought which is caused by extremely poor rainfall has further...
LANDBOU-PODCAST: Agri Noord-Kaap reik uit na plaaswerkers OFM
Agri Noord-Kaap se president, Nicol Jansen, het die aankondiging dat dié provinsie deur die regering as 'n rampgebied verklaar is, met ope arms verwelkom. Jansen het aan OFM se Martin van der Merwe op die Big Breakfast-program gesê dit is verblydende nuus, sienende...
Dam levels increase drastically in parts of SA, more rain needed elsewhere OFM - Christal-Lize Muller
The dire water situation in the drought-stricken regions of the country has improved slightly with rising dam levels because of widespread rain in some areas. This includes parts of the Free State, North West, Limpopo, coastal areas in the Eastern Cape and large parts...
Water and Sanitation reprioritising funds for drought relief in NC OFM
The Director-General (DG) of the Department of Water and Sanitation is currently looking at reprioritising existent funds of about R300 million to set available for drought relief in the Northern Cape. Spokesperson of the department, Sputnik Ratau, says in the process...
Reënval nie wydverspreid in droogtegeteisterde NK, droogte nie gebreek OFM
Hoewel dit in die Noord-Kaap begin reën het, was dit kol-kol en nie wydverspreid nie. Nicol Jansen, president van Agri Noord-Kaap, sê dit is noodsaaklik om te beklemtoon die droogte is steeds nie gebreek nie, ondanks neerslae verlede week in gebiede soos die sentrale,...
Ten einde die ontwikkeling, volhoubaarheid, winsgewendheid en stabiliteit van die georganiseerde landbou in die Noord-Kaap streek te organiseer en te bevorder, beskik Agri Noord-Kaap oor die volgende uitdagende pos vir ‘n dinamiese, energieke en selfgedrewe individu....
#Net’nDruppel: Opkomende Noord-Kaapse boer op moedverloor se vlakte OFM
‘n Opkomende boer in die Griekwastad-distrik in die Noord-Kaap is op moedverloor se vlakte weens die voortslepende droogte en as dit nie binnekort goed reën nie sal hy sy plaashekke noodgedwonge moet sluit. Frank du Toit van die plaas Kranshoek, wat hy van die...
#AgriNoord-Kaap: Die regering moet sy rol besef, sê Jansen OFM
Agri Noord-Kaap speel ‘n groot rol om die regering te reguleer in terme van die instandhouding van dié provinsie se ekonomie. Dié organisasie se president, Nicol Jansen, sê Agri Noord-Kaap het daarin geslaag om die regering aan boord te kry nadat die adjunkpresident...
#Net’nDruppel: ‘Dit gaan nie geld of veld reën nie’, maar reën kan produksie verbeter, sê NK-boer OFM
Talle boere in die Noord-Kaap is in ‘n geldelike verknorsing en as milde reën verligting bring, gaan dit baie help om hulle nood te verlig. Dié boere het probleme met kontantvloei en die broodnodige reën gaan boere in staat stel om hul uitgawes te beperk en weer begin...
GWK kweek bewustheid oor boere se lot weens droogte OFM
GWK, met sy hoofkantoor in die Noord-Kaap, spits hom toe om boere in dié droogtegeteisterde provinsie op verskeie gebiede te ondersteun en om bewustheid te kweek oor die uitdagings wat hulle op grondvlak het weens die droogte. Een van dié agribesigheid se insisiatiewe...
Droogtetoestande vererger in NK OFM
Boere word swaar geraak en is in 'n geldelike knyp, terwyl diere honger ly en waterbronne opdroog. Verskeie organisasies oor die land heen verleen hulp aan dié gemeenskappe wat swaar trek weens die ongekende droogte. Boere is dankbaar vir elke skenking wat ontvang...
Sentraal SA staan saam, bankvas agter ons boere OFM
“Deur twee dinge is my lewe vir my leefbaar gemaak; die liefde wat ek gegee het, en die liefde wat ek gekry het.” – C.J. Langenhoven Gebiede in Sentraal-Suid-Afrika gaan steeds gebuk onder verlammende droogte toestande. Volgens die Noord-Kaapse komitee vir...
AGRI Noord-Kaap Droogte Rampfonds
Die Agri Noord-Kaap droogte rampfonds is geskep om hulp aan spesifiek die boere in die Noord-Kaap te bied gedurende die uitmergelende droogte wat hulle tans ervaar. Dit is die ergste droogte sedert 1927. Hierdie is 'n dringende versoek aan die publiek om 'n finansiële...
Adjunkpresident besoek die Noord-Kaap as deel van die uitreikprogram vir grondhervorming Johan Norval - Landbou Weekblad
Die gemeenskap van Aggeneys in die Khai Ma-munisipaliteit van die Namakwa-distrik van die Noord-Kaap is gereed vir die besoek van adj.-pres. David Mabuza aan die droogtegeteisterde gebied. Hy sal ook ’n afvaardiging van die gebied se georganiseerde landbou te woord...
Agri Noord-Kaap Kongres 2019
Bespreking 1 - Die Grond Debat en Risikos Bespreking 2 - Ekonomies Risikos in terme van Energiekoste en Sekerheid Bespreking 3 - Klimatologiese Risikos en Rampspoed...
Fresh Produce Market Trends Keitumetse Moagi - Industry Analyst, Absa group
Prices expected to decrease over next 3 months. Volumes are up all around once again this week and prices have subsequently all declined except for onion prices which increased by 7% w/w. Tomato and Potato prices declined the most this week by -22% and -13%...
He has the heart and hands of a farmer with the mind of an entrepreneur By Julienne Du Toit - 25th Mar 2019 shared via
For Max Ndamane, 2004 was a nightmare year. He lives in Richmond in the Northern Cape Karoo, a small town alongside the N1. Up until that year, he’d had steady contract work for a series of companies that maintained the highway. But that year, the company said they...
Agri SA eis ‘n onmiddellike herroeping van die Noord-Kaapse “onteieningslys”
Agri SA eis ’n onmiddellike herroeping van die ANC Noord-Kaap se onteieningslys. Agri SA sal sy lede in die Noord-Kaap verdedig, nes ons in die Melmoth-saak in Kwa-Zulu Natal gedoen het. President Cyril Ramaphosa en top amptenare van die ANC het by herhaling die...
Nuwe Bedryfsbeampte Ekonomie, Handel en Watersake: Agri Noord-Kaap Nicol Jansen - President van Agri Noord-Kaap
Dit is vir my aangenaam om u mee te deel dat Agri NK die dienste van Janine Möller bekom het as Bedryfsbeampte Ekonomie, Handel en Watersake. Sy sal ook sosiale media skakeling hanteer. Janine beskik oor B.Com. Ekonomie en Internasionale handel asook B.Com. Landbou...
The battle for the future of farming: what you need to know Shared via - By: Michel Pimbert & Colin Anderson
It is widely agreed that today's global agriculture system is a social and environmental failure. Business as usual is no longer an option: biodiversity loss and nitrogen pollution are exceeding planetary limits, and catastrophic risks of climate change demand...
Agri Noord-Kaap lewer lusern af by Warrenton Henning Myburgh - Hoof: Uitvoerende Bestuurder
Agri Noord-Kaap lewer lusern af by Warrenton om hulp te verleen aan die boere na groot dele weiveld onlangs afgebrand het. Die lusern is geskenk deur die Noord Kaaplandse Departement van Landbou. Mnr BA Flemming, voorsitter van die Warrenton Landbouvereniging neem...
Agri Noord-Kaap Uiters Teleurgesteld In Die Parlementêre Komitee Aanbeveling Nicol Jansen - President van Agri Noord-Kaap
Nicol Jansen, President van Agri Noord-Kaap sê die klok lui vir rondte nommer een in geveg vir die behoud van Artikel 25 soos in die Grondwet vervat. Die aanbeveling van die Grondwetlike Hersieningskomitee rakende die wysiging van Artikel 25 is duidelik gegrond op...
Posisie beskikbaar – Bedryfsbeampte: Ekonomie, Handel en Watersake
Ten einde ondersteuning te verleen aan die ontwikkeling, volhoubaarheid, winsgewendheid en stabiliteit van die georganiseerde landbou in die Noord-Kaap streek, beskik Agri Noord-Kaap oor die volgende uitdagende pos vir ‘n dinamiese, energieke, georganiseerde en...
Farmers reducing planting? Not so fast Via - Wandile Sihlobo
On October 11, I wrote an article in Business Day challenging the view which suggested that 'farmers might reduce planting', possibly due to uncertainty caused by land reform. At the time, I used South African Agricultural Machinery Association data which indicated...
Boeredag 2018 met Agri Kuruman Deon Hoon
Agri Kuruman in gesprek met Nicol Jansen, Johannes Moller, Omri van Zyl en Pierre Vercueil. Die gesprek het gegaan oor onteiening sonder vergoeding. Die vier here het hulle uitstekend van hulle taak gekwyt om aan bekommerde landbouers te verduidelik waarmee Agri SA...
Waardering vir uitsonderlike diens aan Marian van der Westhuizen Nicol Jansen - President
Agri Noord-Kaap wil graag hiermee formeel ons dank en waardering uitspreek vir konstante puik diens aan ons organisasie oor ʼn lang termyn van bykans 33 jaar. Dis voorwaar ʼn voorreg om personeel van jou kaliber as deel van die Agri Noord-Kaap span te hê. Mag jy jou...
Report: South Africa’s grim agricultural outlook Shared via
A recent report released by the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), points to current and future production difficulties within South Africa's agricultural sector. BFAP recently published an objective report regarding the agricultural output for...
Die president van Agri NK sterf van ‘n hartaanval Nicol Jansen - Ondervoorsitter Agri Noord-Kaap
Dit is met groot hartseer en skok dat ons bekend maak dat die president van Agri Noord Kaap, Mnr Henk van Wyk Saterdag-middag (18 Augustus 2018) omstreeks 14h00 oorlede is aan ‘n hartaanval. Sy vrou Ronel sê dat hy na middag ete ‘n rukkie op die rusbank gaan lê het en...
How AfriForum’s ‘expropriation list’ devastated two farmers By Pieter du Toit - via
Afrikaner rights group AfriForum's release of an unverified and disputed list that purports to denote farms targeted for expropriation without compensation has led to millions of rands in possible losses for at least two farmers whose properties are named in the...
Mediaverklaring: Agri SA beloof om eiendomsreg te beskerm tot in die hoogste hof Gedeel via
Agri SA neem kennis van die verklaring van die ANC dat 139 plase vir onteiening sonder vergoeding geteiken gaan word. Die ANC het vantevore te kenne gegee dat hulle die grense van artikel 25 met betrekking tot die betaling van vergoeding in die howe wil toets. “Agri...
AIU secures R150m Cape agribusiness investment Shared via
Funded by the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, the Agribusiness Investment Unit (AIU) secured project investments amounting to R150m during the first quarter of 2018/2019. This will help create 300 new jobs in the agribusiness sector. Although the drought in...
Land reform and hunger in South Africa: Why the two go hand in hand BizCommunity - Thomas Wolfgang Thurner
The land reform debate in South Africa is dominated by a political agenda. This is a pity because other more relevant economic viewpoints on the subject are being ignored. In 2015, when the last census took place, more than every second South...
Boeredag by Hopetown lok talle besoekers AgriOrbit - Koos du Pisanie
Frans Wiid, nasionale skaapboer van die jaar vir 2017, het as deel van sy prys ’n baie geslaagde boeredag op sy plaas naby Hopetown aangebied. Sowat 200 mense het die verrigtinge bygewoon en verskeie sprekers het opgetree. Dawie Maree, hoof van landbou-inligting en...
Gaming for good: How a computer simulation hopes to help with SA’s drought Times Live - Ernest Mabuza
Virtual farmers could prove a vital piece in the cog trying to alleviate the ongoing drought across South Africa‚ after Ster-Kinekor Entertainment said R10 from the sale of every farming simulator game Pure Farming 2018 would be given to AgriSA’s Drought Relief...
Genetic tweak makes plants use 25% less water Times Live
Researchers on Tuesday unveiled a genetic modification that enables plants to use a quarter less water with scant reduction in yield. By altering a single gene, scientists coaxed tobacco plants - a model crop often used in experiments - to grow to near normal size...
Agriculture grows 17.7% after droughts IOL - Luyolo Mkentane
The South African agricultural economy grew by 17.7percent in 2017, following an extended contraction caused by the El Niño-induced drought in 2015 and 2016, which resulted in failed crops and livestock deaths. The Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz)...
Unused land is main target of SA’s expropriation plan Money Web - Ed Stoddard
South Africa‘s plan to expropriate land without compensation in order to redress racial disparities in land ownership would target mainly unused land, a senior official with the ruling African National Congress (ANC) said on Tuesday. As part of long-promised...
Strong opposition to expropriation at Grain SA congress Farmer's Weekly - Sabrina Dean
Emotions ran high on day one of Grain SA’s annual congress at Nampo Park, Bothaville, Wednesday, as members reacted to a motion dealing with expropriation without compensation (EWC). Grain SA vice-chairperson Derek Mathews asked congress to consider a motion...
Vergadering met Mmaphaka Tau (PhD)
Vergadering met Mmaphaka Tau (PhD) Deputy Director-General (Head): National Disaster Management Centre Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG) te Calvinia oor die impak van Prosopis in die Noordkaap sowel as die effek van die rampdroogte in dele van die Noordkaap....
No Fracking Way Forbes Africa - Jay Caboz
In the latest bout of the nine-year fight by farmers to stop fracking in a semi-arid area of South Africa, a small-town lawyer has delivered a right hook. It was a career defining moment that will live with lawyer Derek Light for the rest of his life: listening as...
SA’s groundwater needs to be carefully protected Farmer's Weekly - Annelie Coleman
South Africa’s groundwater needs to be jealously guarded; it is a scarce and extremely valuable resource. Proper management is therefore vital to ensure sustainable farming for generations to come, according to Bloemfontein geohydrology consultant, JL van Vuuren....
Why insurance is a must-have for farmers MoneyWeb - Alex J Coyne
Sasria is a trusted specialised short-term insurance company that offers cover for special risks and losses arising from occurrences such as civil commotion, public disorder, labour unrest, strikes, riots and terrorism. We sat down with Sasria’s acting head of...
Agrisa Calls on Ramaphosa to Detail Plans for Land Expropriation EWN - Mia Lindeque
There’s mixed reaction following the adoption of a motion to expropriate land without compensation. AgriSA says its worrying not only to farmers but to all property owners in the country. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and African National...
Scania gee om ProAgri - Annemarie Bremner
“Dit voel of ons by die huis gekom het,” vertel Morné Botha, hoofbestuurder van Scania in die Vrystaat. Hy en sy gesin het teen die einde van verlede jaar van Johannesburg af Bloemfontein toe getrek waar hy die leisels oorgeneem het as hoofbestuurder van Sentraal en...
How farmers are adapting to the water shortage ENCA - Rianté Naidoo
For most mainstream farmers, five hectares of land is a small area they would easily set aside as an experimental plot, but for Jason Cullen, it’s all he has. Cullen is an urban fruit farmer on the periphery of Johannesburg. He has been farming organic pomegranates...
South Africa: Agri SA on the 2018 Budget Speech of the Minister of Finance CNBC Africa
The 2018 national budget was tabled under very difficult economic circumstances. The Minister of Finance acknowledged that difficulty, but necessary trade-offs had to be made to formulate a budget that moderates spending, raises revenues whilst aiming to minimize the...
What happens if SA expropriates land without compensation? Money Web - Ray Mahlaka
Investments in the agri sector could be scuppered, food prices could rise and job losses would mount. Three Agriculture Business Chamber (AgriBiz) researchers have warned that government’s populist proposal to expropriate land without compensation might result in...
Agri SA se verwagtinge van die 2018-begrotingsrede ProAgri - Spesialisskrywer
Dit is só dat die jaarlikse nasionale begrotingsrede ‘n geleentheid in Suid-Afrika is waarvoor almal wag. Tesame met die positiewe veranderinge wat tans plaasvind in die politieke landskap, word daar verwag dat die Februarie 2018-begrotingsrede beslis aandag sal...
Help on the way for three drought-stricken provinces Herald Live - Siyamtanda Capa
The Eastern Cape will officially be declared a national disaster area by March 15. The declaration will see different national and provincial government departments working together to ensure farmers receive the necessary relief while groundwater exploration continues...
Nkomazi Fuel & Oil expands to Kathu in the Northern Cape Lowvelder
Nkomazi Fuel & Oil has opened a branch in Kathu in the Northern Cape. The company is now operational in six provinces. “Our vision is to become South Africa’s most respected independent energy business,” general manager Deon Valks explained. Nkomazi Group of...
Droogte in die Wes-, Oos- en Noord-Kaap word ‘n nasionale ramp verklaar ProAgri - Benine Cronje
Die Nasionale Rampbestuursentrum het op 13 Februarie 2018 die voortslepende droogte in die Wes-, Oos- en Noord-Kaap as ‘n nasionale ramp verklaar. Dit beteken dat ingevolge die Nasionale Wet op Rampbestuur van 2002, die uitvoerende gesag (d.w.s. die Kabinet) met die...
Agriculture jobs decline 8% from 2016 Farmer's Weekly - Sabrina Dean
Despite a slight uptick in the number of agriculture jobs created in the fourth quarter of 2017, the sector recorded the second-highest number of jobs lost on a year-to-year basis. Stats SA said in its fourth-quarter labour force survey on 13 February that South...
Experts expect Fall Armyworm may spread throughout South Africa CNBC Africa - APO
According to a recent media release, experts expect the fall armyworm (FAW) to spread across South Africa, with the possible exception of the Western Cape province. The report indicates that FAW infestations have been detected throughout Limpopo Province’s five...
Implementing a holistic grazing management plan Farmer's Weekly - Annelie Coleman
The Speedy family’s journey towards holistic grazing management started in the 1960s. At the time, the likes of botanist John Acocks, and red meat producer, Len Howell, were championing the counter-intuitive claim that grazing in South Africa was deteriorating because...
Boere in die Oos- en Noord-Kaap ook onder druk oor waterkrisis ProAgri - Benine Cronje
Terwyl daar baie nuus in die landboubedryf en landswyd is oor die dag Zero wat nader staan vir Kaapstad, kry ander provinsies in Suid-Afrika soos die Oos- en Noord-Kaap ook swaar as gevolg van ‘n watertekort. Dag Zero in die Wes-Kaap gaan volgens voorspellings in Mei...
‘Water-guzzling’ farmers deserve our respect Fin24 - Mandi Smallhorne
How many recipes can you make using apples as an ingredient? Apple sauce, apple pie, apple crumble… when I was a child on an apple farm in the Western Cape where my father worked for the farmer, there were weeks in every year when we got sick of apples. In season,...
‘Will day zero arrive?’ – Parly committee wants to know EWN - Lauren Isaacs & Lindsay Dentlinger
The head of Parliament's Water and Sanitation Committee wants a straight answer to the question on every Capetonians’ lips - will day zero arrive? Acting chairperson Patrick Chauke says this must be known by the end of Wednesday's sitting which includes...
‘A farmer who loses hope is dead’ Times Live - Petru Saal
Emaciated cattle‚ barren land and a livelihood slowly crumbling to dust. This is the reality faced every morning by Wilhelm Stemmet. He has joined the ranks of farmers whose cries for help ring out from far and wide as they try to survive in the midst of a...
A letter to farmers in drought-stricken regions Farmer's Weekly - Denene Erasmus
It’s a feeling anyone who has grown up on a farm knows well: the excruciating helplessness of looking out over your parched veld or crops and watching rain fall from heavy clouds in the distance, on another family’s farm. Almost as painful is the hopelessness you are...
Preliminary area estimates for 2018 summer crops Biz Community
The preliminary area estimates of today (30 January) are mainly based on the results of a non-probability survey conducted by the Directorate: Statistics and Economic Analysis of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Less favourable rainfall and warm...
Land is not simply for the taking – Agri SA Politics Web - Thea Liebenberg
Deputy Minister Mcebisi Skwatsha reportedly said yesterday during a meeting of the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform that the ANC would hold a conference in March to discuss expropriation without compensation and that the decision would...
ZZ2 opens doors to the subtropical fruit industry Farmer's Weekly - Alita van der Walt
With its high start-up costs and complex export rules, the subtropical fruit industry presents formidable barriers to new entrants. Alita van der Walt spoke to ZZ2’s Tommie and BJ van Zyl about the models that the company is putting in place to assist developing...
Uncertain weather prospects for SA’s summer rainfall region Farmer's Weekly - Annelie Coleman
The current El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is in a weak La Niña phase, which is expected to continue until early autumn, according to Weather SA’s long-term weather forecaster, Cobus Olivier. While a La Niña event was usually conducive to increased rainfall over...
South Devons: hardy, fertile, and adapted to Africa Farmer's Weekly - Annelie Coleman
Brothers Barrie and Gielie van Zyl, South Devon stud breeders from Windsorton in the Northern Cape, are also commercial cattle producers. They spoke to Annelie Coleman about Johstep stud’s tough, veld-reared South Devons. “This is the beef cattle breed to make money...
SA farm workers’ minimum wage raised The Herald
The South African Department of Labour yesterday released the minimum wage for farm and forestry workers for the period starting March 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019. The new minimum wages will see a significant increase. Employees in the farm and forestry sectors...
Agricultural stocks could buffer against high food inflation – economist News24 - Carin Smith
The outlook on food inflation will not change significantly in the near to medium term, because of the buffer of large stocks from the previous agricultural season. This was according to Wandile Sihlobo, economist at the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz)....
Despite listeriosis outbreak, our food is safe IOL - James Mahokwae
THE Consumer Goods Council of South Africa has assured South Africans that nearly all food consumed was safe, despite a listeriosis outbreak that has killed 61 people since last year. The food safety executive at the Consumer Goods Council of South Africa, Setati...
Agriculture is changing and so must agri economists Farmer's Weekly
It’s not only farmers who have to adapt to the fundamental changes occurring in world agriculture, or go out of business. Agricultural economists also have to adapt. This is the warning from Bongiswa Matoti, president of the Agricultural Economists’ Association of...
Effects of Listeria outbreak on farming not known – AGRISA EWN - Kgomotso Modise
AgriSA says it’s experiencing a challenge in determining how big a problem Listeria is on farms as the source of the bacteria is unknown. Consumers have been advised to thoroughly cook vegetables. Listeriosis is described as a serious, but treatable and...
Farmers lose millions as fire ravages Northern Cape farms IOL - Sandi Kwon Hoo
Millions of rands of damage was incurred on farms in the Boshof district following a runaway veld fire that damaged 60 000 hectares of land over the weekend. Farmers in the area believe that someone had lit a fire to heat up a can of food in the veld and the fire then...
Follow-up rain critical over next three weeks Farmer's Weekly - Sabrina Dean
Rainfall remained erratic in December, with some parts of South Africa continuing to experience below-average rainfall while others received more than 200% of the monthly average. According to the SA Weather Service, Heilbron in the Free State received 212mm in...
Absa vooruitskouing vir Lente 2017/2018
Die Lente 2017/2018 Landbouvooruitskouing is geskryf en saamgestel deur Absa se interne span landbouekonome, sowel as eksterne spesialiste in verskeie velde. Hierdie vooruitskouing is geskryf vir Absa se kliënte wat betrokke is in die daaglikse werking van die land se...
Bo-Karoo Boere Ding Mee vir Jongooiklub AgriSA
“Hierdie jaar se interskou tussen jongooiklubs gaan meer suksesvol wees as laasjaar”, sê Diederik Vermeulen, koordineerder en reelingskomitee. Groot was die verbasing toe daar laasjaar meer as 400 boere, ramtelers, skoliere en besigheidsmense van omliggende dorpe en...
Southern Africa: SADC Needs Armyworm Control Funds All Africa - Elita Chikwati
SADC agriculture experts have called for urgent financial support to governments to ensure effective management of the fall armyworm in Southern Africa. This came out at the recent stakeholder meeting held in South Africa. Fall armyworm is a new pest in Southern...
Tractor of the year announced AgriOrbit
The announcement of the winners in the Tractor of the Year competition is one of the highlights at Agritechnica, the world’s leading international exhibition for agricultural machinery and equipment. At Agritechnica 2017, an international jury composed of 24...
Agri NC Festive Season Hours
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season. May 2018 bring you abundant joy and happiness. The Agri NC office will close on 15 December 2017 and re-open on 8 January 2018. Happy New Year!
CEO Forum: Looking back on agri in 2017 AgriOribit
On 1 December the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) hosted the CEO Forum Meeting, a platform that allows for engagement between CEOs in the agricultural sector and government. Leaders of agricultural companies and organisation such as WRSA,...
Agri SA erg bekommerd oor listeriose-uitbreking in Suid-Afrika ProAgri - Benine Cronje
Die minister van Gesondheid, dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, het op 5 Desember 2017 aangekondig dat meer as 30 mense reeds gesterf het as gevolg van die onlangse uitbreking van die siekte listerellose, wat deur besmette kos oorgedra word. Volgens die Nasionale Instituut vir...
SA agri economy shows robust growth in Q3, 2017 AgriOrbit
After registering a 38.7% quarter over quarter (q/q) (revised) growth rate in the second quarter of 2017, the agricultural GDP grew by 44.2% q/q in the third quarter. According to Agbiz, it is against their expectations of a moderate growth of around the mid 20% q/q,...