Two prominent agricultural experts have rubbished government valuations of agricultural land, calculating a figure that is at least ten times higher.
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries recently published its widely-used Economic Review of the South African Agriculture 2014 document which values all commercial agricultural land in South Africa at R192 billion.
The document also values livestock at R110 billion and vehicles and implements at R57 billion, which puts the total capital value of all commercial farms in the country at R359 billion, a value similar to the market cap of MTN.
Read the full article here.
[:za]Twee prominente kenners in die landbou-bedryf het die regering se waardering van landbou grond verwerp. Die getal wat deur hulle voortgebring is, is byna 10 keer hoër as normaal.
Die Department van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye het onlangs hul Ekonomiese Oorsig van Suid-Afrikaanse Landbou 2014 gepubliseer waar alle landbou-grond in Suid-Afrika vir R192 biljoen gewaardeer is.
Die dokument het ook vee teen R110 biljoen gewaardeer, terwyl implemente en voertuie teen R57 biljoen gewaardeer is. Hierdie plaas dan die totale kapitaalwaarde van kommersiële plase in Suid-Afrika by R359 biljoen.
Lees die volledige artikel hier.[:]