+ 27 53 832 9595


e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.


Meeting between ASUF and the presidency on labour

Report of the meeting between representatives of ASUF (Agri SA, Agbiz, TAU) and representatives of the presidency (Lawrance Matemba and Jane Makanya) on the social compact dealing with the labour dispensation in the agricultural sector. Read more


Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)

On the 27th of August, BUSA held a very successful AGM. This AGM and the Special Council Meeting that preceded it put BUSA on a good footing to being a stronger and effective apex business organization, which is best positioned to deal with the dynamic and complex socio-economic challenges facing business and the country.  BUSA is the conduit for organisations such as Agri SA to participate in NEDLAC. This AGM comes after a comprehensive organizational review process that BUSA had embarked upon. This review process focused on building a stronger, unified and effective apex organization contributing to a vibrant, inclusive and growing South African economy. Internally, the review was also aimed at building a solid organization that is financially adequately resourced and with the skills set suitable to deliver the vision of the organization. The restructuring also meant registration of the organization as a Non Profit Company (NPC) with a Board of Directors providing strategic oversight. The Board of Directors for the new BUSA NPC were confirmed at the AGM. They are Jacko Maree as Vice-President, and the directors are, Tanya Cohen, Cas Coovadia, Martin Kingston, Vusi Mabena, Motse Mfuleni, Clive Manci, Bonang Mohale, Gwarega Mongozhe, Thero Setiloane and Christo van der Rheede.   Hans van der Merwe was elected as an alternate director for unisectoral organisation.Read more


Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO)

PAFO is made up of five regional farmers’ organizations: the network of Farmers and Agricultural Producers’ Organizations of West Africa (ROPPA), the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), the East African Farmers’ Federation (EAFF), the Maghrebian Farmers’ Union (UMAGRI) and the Sub-regional Platform of Farmers’ Organisations in Central Africa (PROPAC). Read more

Natuurlike hulpbronne

Hersiening van Nasionale Waterbeleid

Die Departement van Waterwese het die voorgestelde wysigings aan die Nasionale Waterbeleid op 30 Augustus in die Staatskoerant vir kommentaar gepubliseer. Die beleidsdokumente wat die waterwetgewing tans rugsteun, dit wil sê, die Witskrif op Watervoorsiening en Sanitasie (1994), die Witskrif op die Nasionale Waterbeleid vir SA (1997), die Witskrif op Basiese- en Huishoudelike Sanitasie (2001) en die Witskrif op die Strategiese Raamwerk vir Waterdienste (2003), word in hersiening geneem. Lees meer


Noordwes-provinsie droogte hulp

Agri SA verwelkom die voltooiing van die aansoekvorms vir hulp en die vaslegging van die data wat die besonderhede van boere, aantal diere en hoeveelheid voer waarvoor boere kwalifiseer, bevat. Die inligting is reeds na die Nasionale Rampbestuursentrum deurgestuur vir die verkryging van die nodige fondse. Hopelik sal daar binne dae verdere nuus hieroor beskikbaar wees. Intussen is die Noordwes-provinsie as rampgebied in terme van die Wet op Rampbestuur, 2002, verklaar. Agri SA wil graag langs hierdie weg sy dank betuig aan diegene wat die hulpprogram moontlik gemaak het en sy bede is dat reën spoedig uitkoms sal bring. (Kosie van Zyl, Agri SA)


Nuwe voorstelle oor verblyfreg

Die onderhandelinge oor die Groenskrif op Grondhervorming is al sedert Oktober 2011 aan die gang.  Daar was ses werkgroepe wat elk moes fokus op ‘n ander aspek van die Groenskrif.  Een van hierdie werkgroepe het ‘n konsep-beleid ontwikkel oor verblyfsekerheid in kommersiële boerdery-gebiede.  Die oorhoofse beleid is gedurende April vanjaar gefinaliseer en maak voorsiening vir verskeie maatreëls en opsies om die konflik wat daar dikwels oor verblyfreg bestaan beter te bestuur, deur middel van mediasie en grondregtebestuurskommissies in distrikte.Lees meer


Opportunity for Agricultural Leadership Development Programme (ALDP) training available

AgriSETA is prepared to sponsor another training course to develop management skills as well as analytical and creative decision-making competencies for managers and individuals who function at a strategic management level.  AgriSETA is prepared to fund the training cost as well as the travel and accommodation costs of the delegates.  This programme was developed after organised agriculture identified the need to equip delegates with competencies to deal with contemporary South African challenges within the agricultural sector. (Elize van der Westhuizen, Snr Manager Labour Relations) Click here for more information.

Landelike veiligheid

Nissan SA herbevestig onderneming

Nissan SA, het tydens onlangse gesprekke met Agri SA sy onderneming om landelike veiligheid te help bevorder deur sy bydraes tot die Agri Securitas Trustfonds, herbevestig. Die verbintenis met die Agri Securitas Trustfonds dateer reeds sover terug as Oktober 2000 toe die ooreenkoms tussen Agri SA en Nissan SA onderteken is.  Met die onderneming, het Nissan SA reeds groot bydraes tot landelike beveiliging gemaak ter beskerming van die boerderygemeenskap. Lees meer Click here for an English version of this report.

Land reform

Expropriation Bill nearing finalisation

As part of the Business delegation, Agri SA has been participating in a NEDLAC task team with social partners from Labour, Community and Government to deliberate on the Draft Expropriation Bill. The task team first met on the 19th of July to consider the Bill and substantial amendments have been made since that initial engagement. Nearly two months into the process, the task team aims to sign off on a much improved version of the Bill at the final engagement on the 13th of September. Read more


Droëbone Produsente Organisasie hou kongres

Die Droëbone Produsente Organisasie (DPO) se twee-jaarlikse kongres is op 5 September by Golden Gate aangebied in die twintigste bestaansjaar van die organisasie. In sy voorsittersverslag, het mnr Gideon Anderson, daarop gewys dat die bedryf wel klein mag wees, maar dit is ‘n gesonde bedryf. Die DPO neem aktief aan die mark deel en het drie hooffunksies, naamlik, bedryfsdienste, navorsing en bemarkingsinisiatiewe. Verskeie sprekers het bone produsente toegespreek oor temas relevant tot die ekonomie, politiek en ook die praktiese sy van bone produksie. Lees meer


The Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill

As part of the process to review the Agricultural related legislation, the Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill, came to the notice of Agri SA and its Affiliations for comments. The Agricultural Research Council, commonly referred to as the ARC, performs research that is of vital importance to the agricultural sector. For this very reason the amendment to the Agricultural Research Act, 1990, is very important. Read more

Developing farmers

Cochran Fellowship

Livhu Ngwekhulu, Agri SA’s transformation manager, recently went to the USA on a Cochran Fellowship Program under the sub-program: Emerging Farm Management and Zero Hunger, lasting two weeks. The team was based at the University of Missouri. We learnt more hands on approach in interventions meant to assist emerging farmers or start up farming operations, either through on farm management, support or policy advocacy, it was a well -organized program.  More about the visit will be published in the next Agri magazine.


RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram.  Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied. •  RSG Landbou 2 September 2013: Henk van Wyk – Agri Noord-Kaap kongres •  RSG Landbou 26 Augustus 2013: Dr Theo de Jager – Transformasiebeleidskomitee •  RSG Landbou 19 Augustus 2013: Dirk Hanekom – Gauteng boere status


e-Agri is die elektroniese nuusbrief van Agri SA. Vir kommentaar of navrae kontak  Thea of skakel 012-643 3400.


Meeting between ASUF and the presidency on labour

Report of the meeting between representatives of ASUF (Agri SA, Agbiz, TAU) and representatives of the presidency (Lawrance Matemba and Jane Makanya) on the social compact dealing with the labour dispensation in the agricultural sector. Read more


Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)

On the 27th of August, BUSA held a very successful AGM. This AGM and the Special Council Meeting that preceded it put BUSA on a good footing to being a stronger and effective apex business organization, which is best positioned to deal with the dynamic and complex socio-economic challenges facing business and the country.  BUSA is the conduit for organisations such as Agri SA to participate in NEDLAC. This AGM comes after a comprehensive organizational review process that BUSA had embarked upon. This review process focused on building a stronger, unified and effective apex organization contributing to a vibrant, inclusive and growing South African economy. Internally, the review was also aimed at building a solid organization that is financially adequately resourced and with the skills set suitable to deliver the vision of the organization. The restructuring also meant registration of the organization as a Non Profit Company (NPC) with a Board of Directors providing strategic oversight. The Board of Directors for the new BUSA NPC were confirmed at the AGM. They are Jacko Maree as Vice-President, and the directors are, Tanya Cohen, Cas Coovadia, Martin Kingston, Vusi Mabena, Motse Mfuleni, Clive Manci, Bonang Mohale, Gwarega Mongozhe, Thero Setiloane and Christo van der Rheede.   Hans van der Merwe was elected as an alternate director for unisectoral organisation.Read more


Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO)

PAFO is made up of five regional farmers’ organizations: the network of Farmers and Agricultural Producers’ Organizations of West Africa (ROPPA), the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), the East African Farmers’ Federation (EAFF), the Maghrebian Farmers’ Union (UMAGRI) and the Sub-regional Platform of Farmers’ Organisations in Central Africa (PROPAC). Read more

Natuurlike hulpbronne

Hersiening van Nasionale Waterbeleid

Die Departement van Waterwese het die voorgestelde wysigings aan die Nasionale Waterbeleid op 30 Augustus in die Staatskoerant vir kommentaar gepubliseer. Die beleidsdokumente wat die waterwetgewing tans rugsteun, dit wil sê, die Witskrif op Watervoorsiening en Sanitasie (1994), die Witskrif op die Nasionale Waterbeleid vir SA (1997), die Witskrif op Basiese- en Huishoudelike Sanitasie (2001) en die Witskrif op die Strategiese Raamwerk vir Waterdienste (2003), word in hersiening geneem. Lees meer


Noordwes-provinsie droogte hulp

Agri SA verwelkom die voltooiing van die aansoekvorms vir hulp en die vaslegging van die data wat die besonderhede van boere, aantal diere en hoeveelheid voer waarvoor boere kwalifiseer, bevat. Die inligting is reeds na die Nasionale Rampbestuursentrum deurgestuur vir die verkryging van die nodige fondse. Hopelik sal daar binne dae verdere nuus hieroor beskikbaar wees. Intussen is die Noordwes-provinsie as rampgebied in terme van die Wet op Rampbestuur, 2002, verklaar. Agri SA wil graag langs hierdie weg sy dank betuig aan diegene wat die hulpprogram moontlik gemaak het en sy bede is dat reën spoedig uitkoms sal bring. (Kosie van Zyl, Agri SA)


Nuwe voorstelle oor verblyfreg

Die onderhandelinge oor die Groenskrif op Grondhervorming is al sedert Oktober 2011 aan die gang.  Daar was ses werkgroepe wat elk moes fokus op ‘n ander aspek van die Groenskrif.  Een van hierdie werkgroepe het ‘n konsep-beleid ontwikkel oor verblyfsekerheid in kommersiële boerdery-gebiede.  Die oorhoofse beleid is gedurende April vanjaar gefinaliseer en maak voorsiening vir verskeie maatreëls en opsies om die konflik wat daar dikwels oor verblyfreg bestaan beter te bestuur, deur middel van mediasie en grondregtebestuurskommissies in distrikte.Lees meer


Opportunity for Agricultural Leadership Development Programme (ALDP) training available

AgriSETA is prepared to sponsor another training course to develop management skills as well as analytical and creative decision-making competencies for managers and individuals who function at a strategic management level.  AgriSETA is prepared to fund the training cost as well as the travel and accommodation costs of the delegates.  This programme was developed after organised agriculture identified the need to equip delegates with competencies to deal with contemporary South African challenges within the agricultural sector. (Elize van der Westhuizen, Snr Manager Labour Relations) Click here for more information.

Landelike veiligheid

Nissan SA herbevestig onderneming

Nissan SA, het tydens onlangse gesprekke met Agri SA sy onderneming om landelike veiligheid te help bevorder deur sy bydraes tot die Agri Securitas Trustfonds, herbevestig. Die verbintenis met die Agri Securitas Trustfonds dateer reeds sover terug as Oktober 2000 toe die ooreenkoms tussen Agri SA en Nissan SA onderteken is.  Met die onderneming, het Nissan SA reeds groot bydraes tot landelike beveiliging gemaak ter beskerming van die boerderygemeenskap. Lees meer Click here for an English version of this report.

Land reform

Expropriation Bill nearing finalisation

As part of the Business delegation, Agri SA has been participating in a NEDLAC task team with social partners from Labour, Community and Government to deliberate on the Draft Expropriation Bill. The task team first met on the 19th of July to consider the Bill and substantial amendments have been made since that initial engagement. Nearly two months into the process, the task team aims to sign off on a much improved version of the Bill at the final engagement on the 13th of September. Read more


Droëbone Produsente Organisasie hou kongres

Die Droëbone Produsente Organisasie (DPO) se twee-jaarlikse kongres is op 5 September by Golden Gate aangebied in die twintigste bestaansjaar van die organisasie. In sy voorsittersverslag, het mnr Gideon Anderson, daarop gewys dat die bedryf wel klein mag wees, maar dit is ‘n gesonde bedryf. Die DPO neem aktief aan die mark deel en het drie hooffunksies, naamlik, bedryfsdienste, navorsing en bemarkingsinisiatiewe. Verskeie sprekers het bone produsente toegespreek oor temas relevant tot die ekonomie, politiek en ook die praktiese sy van bone produksie. Lees meer


The Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill

As part of the process to review the Agricultural related legislation, the Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill, came to the notice of Agri SA and its Affiliations for comments. The Agricultural Research Council, commonly referred to as the ARC, performs research that is of vital importance to the agricultural sector. For this very reason the amendment to the Agricultural Research Act, 1990, is very important. Read more

Developing farmers

Cochran Fellowship

Livhu Ngwekhulu, Agri SA’s transformation manager, recently went to the USA on a Cochran Fellowship Program under the sub-program: Emerging Farm Management and Zero Hunger, lasting two weeks. The team was based at the University of Missouri. We learnt more hands on approach in interventions meant to assist emerging farmers or start up farming operations, either through on farm management, support or policy advocacy, it was a well -organized program.  More about the visit will be published in the next Agri magazine.


RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram.  Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied. •  RSG Landbou 2 September 2013: Henk van Wyk – Agri Noord-Kaap kongres •  RSG Landbou 26 Augustus 2013: Dr Theo de Jager – Transformasiebeleidskomitee •  RSG Landbou 19 Augustus 2013: Dirk Hanekom – Gauteng boere status

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