e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.
November 2013 |
LabourLabour and Social Policy Committee meetsAt its meeting on 13 November 2013, the committee decided on a new management team to deal with labour and social issues next year. The team will be chaired by Hendrik Ackermann of the Northern Cape, while Henk Vermeulen of the Free State will continue to serve as vice chairman. Two additional members were nominated, namely Neil Hamman (Jr) from the Western Cape and Pieter Vorster from Limpopo. Read more |
Landelike veiligheidLandelike veiligheid geniet prioriteitLandelike kriminaliteit is een van die onaanvaarbare aspekte waarmee landbouers op ‘n daaglikse basis mee gekonfronteer word. Nie net moet hulle daarmee saamleef nie, maar veroorsaak die hoë vlakke daarvan dat dit onaanvaarbare koste en verliese vir landbouers meebring. |
KommunikasieAgri ontvang erkenning by PICA-toekenningsAgri waarby ingelyf die Boer/The Farmer, Agri SA se twee-maandelikse tydskrif, het verlede week by die PICA-toekennings ‘n “Highly Commended” -toekenning ingepalm in die besigheid-tot-besigheid-kategorie, (hulpbrongebaseerde bedrywe). Agri SA is baie trots op die toekenning omdat dit die eerste keer is dat Agri vir die kompetisie ingeskryf word. |
LabourOver indebted workers, relevant provisions of the National Credit ActFrom the discussions held at Agri SA’s Labour and Social Affairs committee on the 13th of November, it became apparent that certain institutions may be extending credit to farm workers in a reckless fashion, and that this in turn perpetuates the social unrest experienced in our farming communities in the Western Cape and elsewhere. |
Natural resourcesProposed new National Water PolicyAgri SA supports the vision of the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) to consolidate the historical policy documents in one policy document, also with the view to merge the legislation, i.e. the National Water Act (NWA) and the Water Services Act (WSA), governing the entire water chain. Seamless legislation will enhance holistic implementation, the latter we deem the most important stumbling block in efficient water administration at present. |
Natuurlike hulpbronneHersiening van die prysstrategie vir waterDie Departement van Waterwese (DWA) het met belangegroepe oor die hersiening van die Prysstrategie vir Water gekonsulteer. Die verwagting is dat die konsep-prysstrategie teen die einde van die jaar in die Staatskoerant vir kommentaar gepubliseer sal word. Die oogmerk om ‘n befondsingsmodel en die werking van ‘n ekonomiese reguleerder in plek te stel, is werk in proses. |
Natural resourcesRegulations for petroleum exploration and exploitationAgri SA submitted commentary to the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on the proposed regulations on petroleum (shale-gas) exploration and exploitation. The organisation liaised with independent researchers to support its submission. |
LabourPlight of refugees and migrant workers under the loopThe University of Pretoria, under the auspices of the centre for study of Governance and Innovation, together with the International Organisation for Migration, UNAIDS, the UN Refugee Agency and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), held a meeting with Business Unity South Africa to discuss the plight of refugees and migrant workers in South Africa. |
Natural resourcesConsultation on Raw Water Charges for 2014-2015Agri SA participated in the annual water tariff consultation meetings of the Deparment of Water Affairs (DWA) held on 10 and 17 September 2013. Given what transpired at the meetings, the following matters were submitted to DWA, which currently remains largely unresolved: |
Natural resourcesCOP 19 Update – agricultureParties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is meeting in Warsaw from 11 – 22 November for the Conference of Parties (COP) 19: http://unfccc.int/meetings/warsaw_nov_2013/meeting/7649/php/view/logistics.php. Agriculture is currently discussed under the Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advise (SBSTA): http://unfccc.int/meetings/warsaw_nov_2013/session/7766.php. |
RamphulpRAMP & DROOGTELees meer oor: |
ResearchMeeting of the National Agricultural Research Forum (NARF) steering committee on 23 October 2013Agri SA is represented on the above committee by Mr Niel Joubert and during the last meeting important issues pertaining to the proposed Research & Development Agenda in which research priorities for the Research and Technology Fund (RTF) from 201 to 2015 (short/medium term) were tabled. The main commodity groups i.e. cotton, red meat, deciduous fruit, table grapes, sorghum, wine and maize will benefit. |
ResearchThe Agricultural Research Council Amendment BillAs part of the process to review the agricultural related legislation, the Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill, came to the notice of Agri SA and its Affiliations for comments The Agricultural Research Council, commonly referred to as the ARC, performs research that is of vital importance to the agricultural sector. For this very reason the amendment to the Agricultural Research Act (1990) is very important. |
Food securitySymposuim: Risks posed to protecting the right to food and food security 24-25 October 2013Although the Bill of Rights (Section 27 A), sanctions the right to food but the country has no specific stand alone legislation on food security. The Strategy on Food Security however, is a framework on which food security operates. This was the basis on which the symposium focused. Many presentations followed and speakers from the floor emphasis the impact of global and local realities on food security. |
Agri SecurityHulle slaan af vir plaasveiligheidEen van die grootste gholfdae wat nog vir die Agri Securitas Trustfonds gehou is, het op 31 Oktober 2013 by die Woodhill gholfbaan insamewerking met Afgri plaasgevind. 33 Spanne het die dag afgeslaan om geld in te samel vir die werksaamhede van die Trustfonds om plaasmisdaad te help bekamp. |
KommunikasieJoernalistieke werk bekroonMet haar inskrywing Living Land, Reeks 5, episode 36, Recapitalisation, wat op SABC 2 in Sotho uitgesaai is, is Marti Willemse aangewys as die wenner van die Landbouskrywers SA se joernalistieke kompetisie. Sy het goed daarin geslaag om die bydrae van Graan SA en kommersiële boere tot die ontwikkeling van swart graanboere uit te beeld en sodoende die beeld van kommersiële landbou te bevorder. |
Landelike veiligheidDae afgetel vir begin van Projek SuiderkruisAgri SA verwelkom gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid soos dié van Projek Suiderkruis om plaasmisdaad en veral plaasmoorde te bekamp. Groter bewustheid van die veiligheid-uitdaging waarvoor landbougemeenskappe te staan kom en finansiële ondersteuning vir landelike beveiligingsprojekte kan bydra om die kwesbaarheid van landbou en landbouers te verminder. Lees meer |
KommunikasieAgri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASESAgri SA het die volgende mediaverklarings uitgereik. Die volledige verklarings kan op Agri SA se webblad gelees word. Kliek hier Agri SA issued the following media statements. The full statements could be read on Agri SA’s webpage. Click here 13 November 2013 13 November 2013 RSG Landbou Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram. Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word. Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied. RSG Landbou 11 November 2013: Dawie Maree – Boekhou van dieselverbruik |
e-Agri is die elektroniese nuusbrief van Agri SA. Vir kommentaar of navrae kontak Thea of skakel 012-643 3400.
November 2013 |
LabourLabour and Social Policy Committee meetsAt its meeting on 13 November 2013, the committee decided on a new management team to deal with labour and social issues next year. The team will be chaired by Hendrik Ackermann of the Northern Cape, while Henk Vermeulen of the Free State will continue to serve as vice chairman. Two additional members were nominated, namely Neil Hamman (Jr) from the Western Cape and Pieter Vorster from Limpopo. Read more |
Landelike veiligheidLandelike veiligheid geniet prioriteitLandelike kriminaliteit is een van die onaanvaarbare aspekte waarmee landbouers op ‘n daaglikse basis mee gekonfronteer word. Nie net moet hulle daarmee saamleef nie, maar veroorsaak die hoë vlakke daarvan dat dit onaanvaarbare koste en verliese vir landbouers meebring. |
KommunikasieAgri ontvang erkenning by PICA-toekenningsAgri waarby ingelyf die Boer/The Farmer, Agri SA se twee-maandelikse tydskrif, het verlede week by die PICA-toekennings ‘n “Highly Commended” -toekenning ingepalm in die besigheid-tot-besigheid-kategorie, (hulpbrongebaseerde bedrywe). Agri SA is baie trots op die toekenning omdat dit die eerste keer is dat Agri vir die kompetisie ingeskryf word. |
LabourOver indebted workers, relevant provisions of the National Credit ActFrom the discussions held at Agri SA’s Labour and Social Affairs committee on the 13th of November, it became apparent that certain institutions may be extending credit to farm workers in a reckless fashion, and that this in turn perpetuates the social unrest experienced in our farming communities in the Western Cape and elsewhere. |
Natural resourcesProposed new National Water PolicyAgri SA supports the vision of the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) to consolidate the historical policy documents in one policy document, also with the view to merge the legislation, i.e. the National Water Act (NWA) and the Water Services Act (WSA), governing the entire water chain. Seamless legislation will enhance holistic implementation, the latter we deem the most important stumbling block in efficient water administration at present. |
Natuurlike hulpbronneHersiening van die prysstrategie vir waterDie Departement van Waterwese (DWA) het met belangegroepe oor die hersiening van die Prysstrategie vir Water gekonsulteer. Die verwagting is dat die konsep-prysstrategie teen die einde van die jaar in die Staatskoerant vir kommentaar gepubliseer sal word. Die oogmerk om ‘n befondsingsmodel en die werking van ‘n ekonomiese reguleerder in plek te stel, is werk in proses. |
Natural resourcesRegulations for petroleum exploration and exploitationAgri SA submitted commentary to the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on the proposed regulations on petroleum (shale-gas) exploration and exploitation. The organisation liaised with independent researchers to support its submission. |
LabourPlight of refugees and migrant workers under the loopThe University of Pretoria, under the auspices of the centre for study of Governance and Innovation, together with the International Organisation for Migration, UNAIDS, the UN Refugee Agency and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), held a meeting with Business Unity South Africa to discuss the plight of refugees and migrant workers in South Africa. |
Natural resourcesConsultation on Raw Water Charges for 2014-2015Agri SA participated in the annual water tariff consultation meetings of the Deparment of Water Affairs (DWA) held on 10 and 17 September 2013. Given what transpired at the meetings, the following matters were submitted to DWA, which currently remains largely unresolved: |
Natural resourcesCOP 19 Update – agricultureParties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is meeting in Warsaw from 11 – 22 November for the Conference of Parties (COP) 19: http://unfccc.int/meetings/warsaw_nov_2013/meeting/7649/php/view/logistics.php. Agriculture is currently discussed under the Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advise (SBSTA): http://unfccc.int/meetings/warsaw_nov_2013/session/7766.php. |
RamphulpRAMP & DROOGTELees meer oor: |
ResearchMeeting of the National Agricultural Research Forum (NARF) steering committee on 23 October 2013Agri SA is represented on the above committee by Mr Niel Joubert and during the last meeting important issues pertaining to the proposed Research & Development Agenda in which research priorities for the Research and Technology Fund (RTF) from 201 to 2015 (short/medium term) were tabled. The main commodity groups i.e. cotton, red meat, deciduous fruit, table grapes, sorghum, wine and maize will benefit. |
ResearchThe Agricultural Research Council Amendment BillAs part of the process to review the agricultural related legislation, the Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill, came to the notice of Agri SA and its Affiliations for comments The Agricultural Research Council, commonly referred to as the ARC, performs research that is of vital importance to the agricultural sector. For this very reason the amendment to the Agricultural Research Act (1990) is very important. |
Food securitySymposuim: Risks posed to protecting the right to food and food security 24-25 October 2013Although the Bill of Rights (Section 27 A), sanctions the right to food but the country has no specific stand alone legislation on food security. The Strategy on Food Security however, is a framework on which food security operates. This was the basis on which the symposium focused. Many presentations followed and speakers from the floor emphasis the impact of global and local realities on food security. |
Agri SecurityHulle slaan af vir plaasveiligheidEen van die grootste gholfdae wat nog vir die Agri Securitas Trustfonds gehou is, het op 31 Oktober 2013 by die Woodhill gholfbaan insamewerking met Afgri plaasgevind. 33 Spanne het die dag afgeslaan om geld in te samel vir die werksaamhede van die Trustfonds om plaasmisdaad te help bekamp. |
KommunikasieJoernalistieke werk bekroonMet haar inskrywing Living Land, Reeks 5, episode 36, Recapitalisation, wat op SABC 2 in Sotho uitgesaai is, is Marti Willemse aangewys as die wenner van die Landbouskrywers SA se joernalistieke kompetisie. Sy het goed daarin geslaag om die bydrae van Graan SA en kommersiële boere tot die ontwikkeling van swart graanboere uit te beeld en sodoende die beeld van kommersiële landbou te bevorder. |
Landelike veiligheidDae afgetel vir begin van Projek SuiderkruisAgri SA verwelkom gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid soos dié van Projek Suiderkruis om plaasmisdaad en veral plaasmoorde te bekamp. Groter bewustheid van die veiligheid-uitdaging waarvoor landbougemeenskappe te staan kom en finansiële ondersteuning vir landelike beveiligingsprojekte kan bydra om die kwesbaarheid van landbou en landbouers te verminder. Lees meer |
KommunikasieAgri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASESAgri SA het die volgende mediaverklarings uitgereik. Die volledige verklarings kan op Agri SA se webblad gelees word. Kliek hier Agri SA issued the following media statements. The full statements could be read on Agri SA’s webpage. Click here 13 November 2013 13 November 2013 RSG Landbou Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram. Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word. Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied. RSG Landbou 11 November 2013: Dawie Maree – Boekhou van dieselverbruik |