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Welcome to the June 2015 issue of the Red Meat Producers Organisation’s Newsletter  Is this email not displaying correctly?
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Kommer oor besmetlike misgeboorte

Die RPO is bekommerd oor die manier waarop die Staat besmetlike misgeboorte (BM) hanteer en het die saak na die Dieregesondheidsforum verwys.
BM is volgens die Dieregesondheidswet 'n verklaarde siekte en die Staat is dus verantwoordelik vir die beheer daarvan. Die blatante en nalatige houding van die Staat jeens BM op grondvlak, is na wat verneem word, ontstellend.
Die volgende probleme word ondervind :

  • Daar is geen medium (spesifiek in die Kroonstadgebied) beskikbaar om die nodige toetse te doen nie.
  • Van die staatsveeartse en tegnici kan nie ry nie, aangesien hulle reisbegrotings ingekort is en/of nie oor brandstof beskik nie.
  • Swak tot geen toepassing van beheermaatreëls.
  • Die akkuraatheid van toetse is onder verdenking.
  • Die swak diens van sekere laboratoria.
  • Die swak en onprofessionele werkswyses van amptenary – selfs staatsveeartse.
  • ‘n Gebrek aan behoorlike en tydige verslagdoening.

Werk saam teen veediefstal

Die Nasionale Veediefstal Voorkomingsforum doen ‘n beroep op alle rolspelers binne die rooivleisbedryf om saam te werk om veediefstal te voorkom deur aan die bestaande wette te voldoen.
Veediefstal is ‘n ekonomiese en ‘n hoogs emosionele misdaad. Navorsing bewys dat veediefstal baie afgeneem het sedert die Wet op Identifikasie van Diere, Wet 6 van 2002 in werking gestel is.
Gedurende die 2013/2014 tydperk het R509 miljoen vir die ekonomie verlore gegaan weens die diefstal van bokke ter waarde van R43 miljoen, die diefstal van skape ter waarde van R100 miljoen en die diefstal van beeste ter waarde van R366 miljoen.
Navorsing wat namens die Rooivleisbedryfstrust deur die Universiteit van die Vrystaat onderneem is, dui daarop dat die omvang van veediefstal tans onderskat word met soveel as 75% en dat die syfers in der waarheid nader aan R2 biljoen per jaar is. 

Animals need additional supplementation

The winter months lie ahead and additional nutritional supplementation should be given to animals in time. 
According to the monthly report on livestock disease trends as informally reported by veterinarians belonging to the Ruminant Veterinary Association of South Africa, the immune status of animals is influenced by health and optimal nutritional status.  Read more …

Omni vanZyl to head Agri SA

Agri SA announced that Omri van Zyl has been appointed as executive director in the place of Hans van der Merwe, who is going to retire. 
Van Zyl is presently a senior associate at Deloitte as head of Deloitte Africa Agribusiness Unit (DAAU) and Business Development for Deloitte Consulting in Africa.  He was the lead director in a multitude of agricultural consulting projects.  He is widely considered as a strategic expert in agro-investments, business process re-engineering and turn-around management, food security and poverty alleviation.
Christo van der Rheede was appointed as deputy executive director of Agri SA responsible for the developmental and social aspects which are relevant to the transformation of agriculture.    
Johan Pienaar will continue to serve in the capacity of Deputy Executive Director responsible for the commercial and economic cluster of activities of Agri SA. Thabi Nkos, joined Agri SA as senior economist to fill the vacancy left by Dawie Maree.

1Mutton Market Trends:  An extract from Agritrends May 29 produced by ABSA

Outlook Internationally, prices in the US should continue to be supported by good demand during the US grilling season and the fact that producers are retaining their animals for herd rebuilding, however, higher supplies in both Australia and New Zealand can continue to put some downward pressure on prices. Locally, prices are expected to trade sideways to downwards as a result of good supplies during this period and in line with seasonal trends.   Read more …

Sheep meat is an environmentally sustainable choice

Public awareness of environmental issues increased exponentially. Many consumers do not only know the issues surrounding the impact which their food choices and eating has on the world, but tend to feel that the quality of the environment is important both to their own well-being and to the common good.
The challenge of sustainable dietary choices thus includes the social considerations of limiting environmental harm created by human activity and our choices, while reducing the deprivation and suffering caused by unhealthy diets (malnutrition).  Read more …

WORD VLEISWYS – 1:  Skaapvleis en gaarmaakmetodes

Die span by Skaapvleis Suid-Afrika het die laaste 2 jaar ‘n blaadjie beskikbaar gestel en versprei oor die basiese inligting van hoe om met skaapveis te werk en wat om met elke snit te doen en hoe om vleis te hanteer.
Al daardie basiese inligting wat ‘n jong kosmaker behoort te weet en wat ‘n ouer persoon al weer dalk vergeet het. Hierdie blaadjie is so pas weer herdruk in Engels terwyl dit wel nog in Afrikaans beskikbaar is.  Lees meer …


Die Junie 2015-uitgawe van Red Meat/Rooivleis sal binnekort beskikbaar wees op www.agriconnect.co.za 

1Best Butchers announced

The country’s best butcheries both nationally and regionally were recently announced at the annual Cleaver Awards.

 The Cleaver Awards, which are proudly supported by Freddy Hirsch, were launched ten years ago to meet the needs of the consumer by raising standards amongst butcheries. These Awards have grown exponentially in nominations this year with over 30 000 nominations coming in from around South Africa.
Since these awards started, butchery standards have significantly improved and feedback from consumers shows that the majority perceive the Cleaver Awards to be a seal of approval.
An initiative of the South African Red Meat Industry Forum,  these Awards acknowledge butcheries which meet consumer expectations on in-store hygiene, the supply of quality assured roller marked South African Beef, their level of competency in offering the best advice on meal preparations and perceived value for money.
Nominations were opened towards the end of last year for consumers around the country to vote and nominate their best butchery.
The national winner for four or more tills is Vleislapa in Marshalstraat, Polokwane. The winner for up to three tills is West End Butchery and Kimberley. The winner in the meat market category is The Grove Super Spar in Nelspruit.

Good demand should support prices

Internationally, beef prices are expected to be supported in the short term by good demand during the US grilling season, but higher supplies in New Zealand can weigh on prices, according to ABSA Agri Trends.

Tight supplies and good demand are expected to continue to support prices in 2015, with lower slaughtering and exports in Australia as producers rebuild their herds. Locally, prices are expected to trade sideways to downwards in line with seasonal trends and on the back of good supplies.

New Zealand steers and cows traded lower at NZ$461 and NZ$316 per head respectively during the week of 15 May 2015. The high seasonal supply out of New Zealand has kept prices low.
In the US, beef traded mostly higher as follows: Top side traded higher at $298,21/cwt, Rump traded lower at $459,63/cwt and Strip loin traded higher at $737,54/cwt, Chuck traded slightly higher at $273,50/cwt, Brisket traded higher at $274,59/cwt which gave us an average carcass price of $375,03/cwt.  Read more …


Waar staan ons met die Artrose probleem?
Eerstens is dit belangrik om te sê dat artrose of knie-artrose soos baie daarna verwys, eintlik niks anders is as osteochondrose nie, wat algemeen by ander spesies soos varke, perde en ook die mens voorkom.  

Dit is vasgestel deur ‘n intensiewe ondersoek na die histopatologie daarvan en die literatuur daaroor. Dus het ons reeds na artrose begin verwys as osteochondrose, want dit sou meer korrek wees.

Ek het in die verlede wanneer ek vir u vordering met die ondersoek deurgegee het oor oorsake van die kondisie, gewys op die invloed van lekbestuur wat onteenseglik ‘n bydraende faktor is – as die dier nie die regte hoeveelheid van die lek elke dag inkry nie is die kans goed dat osteochondrose kan ontwikkel. Die ander oorsaak waarna ek telkens verwys het is as kalwing buite seisoen plaasvind – as die koei in die winter kalf in plaas van in die lente-somer wanneer die veld grootliks aan haar behoeftes kan voldoen, dan is dit moeilik om met lekke/byvoeding die tekorte reg te stel, want die veld self se voedingswaarde is eenvoudig te laag.
 Lees meer …

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