+ 27 53 832 9595

June / Junie 2015

e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea at thea@agrisa.co.za or call 012-643 3400.

Land reform


Bewaring van landbouhulpbronne krities noodsaaklik, maar…

Suid-Afrika beskik oor min goeie bewerkbare landbougrond. Slegs 12% van die oppervlakte van Suid-Afrika is geskik vir die produksie van gewasse en slegs 3% word beskou as werklike hoë potensiaal landbougrond. Intussen groei Suid-Afrika se bevolking teen sowat 2% per jaar en word daar geskat dat die bevolking teen 2035 by die 82 miljoen mense sal draai. Lees meer

Land reform


Diesel refund system

In his budget speech of 25 February this year, the minister of Finance, Mr Nene announced that amendments to the diesel refund system which applies in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining sectors are considered. In the budget review, a document accompanying the budget speech technical and administrative challenges with the current system were highlighted as motivation for the system to be comprehensively reviewed. Read more

Land reform


Agricultural Black Economic Empowerment (AgriBEE) sector code

After deliberations in the Agri BEE charter council over an extended period of time the applicable sector code was finalized as a draft to be gazetted for public comment. The code was submitted to the minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries who after having signed off on it forwarded it to the minister of Trade and Industry who is responsible for the gazetting process. Apparently public consultation needs to be finalized by October this year, otherwise the sector code will not be implementable which implies that the generic codes will have to be applied by enterprises wanting to participate.

Land reform

Land reform

Agri SA and the Commission on the Restitution of Land Rights work towards a closer relationship

As part of the holistic framework for land reform adopted by its Congress in 2014, Agri SA formulated a number of proposals on how the organisation can assist the Commission to streamline the restitution process with a view to achieving a successful and sustainable process that results in meaningful and sustainable land restitution whilst safeguarding the legitimate rights of land owners.
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Land reform

Rural safety

Police to further enhance rural safety

The police views the safety and security of the rural community, including farmers and farm workers, in South Africa as a priority. The seriousness of continued acts of violence, such as been experienced by the farming community the past weeks, as well as the high levels of stock theft, led to the development of the Rural Safety Strategy. This strategy focuses on optimal service delivery based on an effective and sustainable policing approach. Read more

Land reform

Natural resources

Water conservation and water scarcity

The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI) – The global food value chain initiative for sustainable agriculture, wrote in a technical briefing on drip irrigation, water conservation and water security that out of the anthropogenic freshwater withdrawals from surface water and groundwater bodies, 70% goes into agriculture.
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  Land reform  


African Union second high level panel on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

The African Union (AU) held its second panel on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE), during the AU Summit in Sandton on 10-12 June 2015. The theme of this year’s panel was “Make it happen with financial inclusion of women in agribusiness”. This was a follow up to the first high level panel held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast 2014.
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  Land reform  

Land reform

Communal land reform indaba

As part of the green paper process from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, a communal land tenure working group was established some four years ago to develop a communal land reform policy. The working group met a number of times before eventually coming up with a framework document that could be used going forward based on the wagon wheel model.
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  Land reform  

Landelike veiligheid

Slaan af vir plaasveiligheid

Die twee bekende landboumaatskappye, NWK, met sy hoofkantoor in Lichtenburg en Senwes, in Klerksdorp, span vanjaar kragte saam in belang van plaasveiligheid. Dié maatskappye is die hoofborge vir ‘n gholfdag wat op 3 September 2015 by die Val De Grace gholfbaan in Parys aangebied word ten bate van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds.
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  Land reform  


Agri SA-tydskrif nou ook ‘n elektroniese blaaiboek

Die redaksionele span van die Agri, is hard besig om die Junie/Julie 2015 uitgawe te finaliseer.  Dié uitgawe met ‘n fokus op besproeiing, water en energie sal vroeg in Julie aan boerelede gepos word. Om die reikwydte van die tydskrif te vergroot, is die April/Mei 2015 uitgawe van die Agri as ‘n blaaiboek op Agri SA se webblad beskikbaar.  Die blaaiboek kan ook deur lesers afgelaai word. In die toekoms sal verdere uitgawes ook op die webblad beskikbaar wees. Lees meer

  Land reform  

Jong boere

Die room van Suid-Afrika se jong boere gekroon

Die jongboer finaliste vir die Toyota SA/Agri SA 2015 Jongboer van die Jaar kompetisie word tans aangewys. Die nasionale wenner sal gedurende Oktober 2015 aangewys word. Dit is die elfde jaar dat Toyota SA die kompetisie borg. Agri SA beskou die kompetisie as van groot waarde omdat jong rolmodelle geïdentifiseer word en noodsaaklik is vir nuwe toetreders en ook vir die toekoms van die bedryf.
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  Land reform  

Natuurlike hulpbronne

Die land word al droëer!

Boere in droogtegeteisterde provinsies soos die Noordwes, Vrystaat, Mpumalanga en KwaZulu-Natal is besig om voorbereidings te tref teen veldvure, wat die uitwerking van droogtetoestande kan vererger.  As ‘n gevolg van hierdié toestande voorspel die vierde skatting van die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee niks goeds vir die land nie. Hiervolgens sal 9.8 miljoen ton mielies gelewer word teenoor die 12 miljoen ton van die vorige jaar (2013/14).
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  Land reform  

Rural safety

Prestige Sport Evening

Afgri, NWK, OFM and Senwes are partnering in hosting the 11th Prestige Sport Evening in aid of the Agri Securitas Trust Fund on 20th August 2015 in Centurion. Nick Mallett, former SA rugby player and Springbok coach will be the main speaker at this event. He will share his opinions on the state of South African Rugby, review this season’s super rugby competition and analyse the Springbok changes at this year’s Rugby World Cup. Darren Scott, will be the master of ceremonies for this event that strives to raise funds to improve the safety and security of farmers, farm workers and their families. For enquiries and bookings, Cornel Erasmus may be contacted at (051) 505 0900 or cornel@redstaragency.co.za.

  Land reform  


Adjunk-President Cyril Ramaphosa hou ‘n werkwinkel oor ‘n nasionale minimum loon

Die Adjunk-President het op 20 Junie 2015 ‘n werkswinkel gehou waartydens internasionale kundiges hulle ondervinding oor hoe ‘n nasionale minimum loon sisteem werk, met verteenwoordiger van regering, georganiseerde besigheid, georganiseerde werkers en gemeenskap gedeel het.
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  Land reform  


Parliamentary report April and May 2015

Department of Rural Development and Land Reform:  Response to the report of the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on restitution
On 27 May 2015, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform presented its response to the report of the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on restitution, to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform.
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  Land reform  


Agri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

25 Mei/May 2015
Bemagtiging van vroue in die landbou
Empowering women in agriculture
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10 Junie/June 2015
Agri SA in gesprek met die ANC
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  Land reform  


RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram.  Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied.
8 Junie 2015:  Carl van der Merwe – Agri Weskaap 2015 Jongboer
1 Junie 2015: Terry Strachan – 2015 Royal skou
25 Mei 2015: Willem van Jaarsveld – SA Boere gee nie op nie
18 Mei 2015:  Johannes Moller – Nampo Nasie in gesprek oor grondhervorming

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