+ 27 53 832 9595


July 2014

e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.




Vroue in die Keimoes-area word bemagtig

Op 14 Julie 2014 het Agri SA ‘n opleidingsprojek vir vroue in die Keimoes-area, bekend gestel. Die opleidingsprojek het ten doel om 30 vroue basiese besigheidsbestuursvaardighede te gee. Die vroue sal leer hoe om hulle drome en vaardighede in ‘n besigheid te omskep.  Die vroue wat die opleiding sal ondergaan, word gesien as leiers in hulle gemeenskap. Lees meer




Kommersiële Beleidskomitee

Agri SA se Kommersiële Beleidskomitee se werksaamhede hou verband met die wyses waarop die koste van landbouproduksie en -bemarking verminder kan word, markgeleenthede wat ontsluit kan word en algemene inisiatiewe oor hoe om ‘n meer mededingende en winsgewende omgewing vir die landbou te skep. Uit die aard van die werksaamhede is daar baie kwessies wat deurlopend hanteer word.
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Natural resources

Budget vote policy statement of the Department of Environmental Affairs

Agri SA attended the budget vote speech of Minister Edna Molewa in Parliament on 17 July 2014. The Minister emphasised the priorities of the Department for 2014/2015.  She referred to humanity who continues to consume the earths’ resources at ever increasing and unsustainable rates. Read more



Rural security

Police minister action welcomed

Agri SA was invited by the Ministry of Police to attend the budget debate of the newly appointed Minister of Police. According to Kobus Breytenbach, chair of Agri SA’s Rural Safety Committee, the Minister’s positive statements around crime-fighting were encouraging. Since his appointment, the Minister has also expressed his views on the incidence of farm attacks, saying that he was concerned about this. He also sees the murders that occur during farm attacks in a very serious light. Read more
Kliek hier vir ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe van dié berig.



International trade

Southern Africa Development Community and European Union Economic Partnership Agreement (SADC-EU EPA)

After ten years of preparations and negotiations, the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the SADC EPA Group and the EU was ‘initialled’ by the Chief Negotiators on 15 July 2014 in Pretoria, South Africa. The initialling of the Agreement signals that the negotiations are concluded. The timing is significant because it pre-empts the 1 October 2014 deadline imposed by the EU.
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Landelike veiligheid

Reserviste stelsel geïmplementeer

Die implementering van die hersiende reservistestelsel word deur Agri SA ondersteun. Die ondersteuning volg nadat ‘n voorlegging deur die polisie daaroor aan die organisasie gedoen is en word produsente wat kwalifiseer aangemoedig om hulself beskikbaar te stel as reserviste.
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Land reform

Agri SA participates in ‘Land Grab’ debate

On the 26th and 27th of June, Agri SA participated on the panel discussion regarding the so-called ‘land grabs’ in Africa. A number of NGOs and civil society organisations allege that foreign governments and powerful multinational agribusinesses are concluding contracts with African governments and traditional leaders to buy or lease large tracks of land in Africa for agricultural production.
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Landelike veiligheid

Dié boere nog meer paraat

Misdaad in landelike gebiede het tot gevolg dat boerderygemeenskappe al meer moet doen om hulle en hulle boerderye teen kriminele elemente te beskerm So ‘n gemeenskap is die van Tweeling, in die Vrystaat. Die gemeenskap doen meer as net die produksie van kos en is ook aktief betrokke by die beveiliging van hulle omgewing en gemeenskap. Die Agri Securitas Trustfonds het die Tweeling boerevereniging gehelp met die voorsiening van handradio’s en veiligheidstoerusting. Lees meer



Trade shows

Jongste tegnologie by SIMA 2015

Die Internasionale Landboubesigheidsskou (SIMA) met innovasie as fokuspunt sal vanaf 22 – 26 Februarie 2015 in Parys, Frankryk plaasvind. Die skou wat oor vyf dae strek is ‘n toonaangewende internasionale geleentheid vir landbouers. Innovasie in die landbou sal in elke moontlike vorm by die skou te siene wees. Tegnologiese vooruitgang deur vervaardigers lewer ‘n kenmerkende bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van volhoubare landbou. Lees meer en Kliek hier vir meer inligting.



Natural disasters

Disaster relief

On 22 July 2014 at a meeting of the Commodity Chamber of Agri SA, a rundown was given of disaster relief received by the agricultural sector for the financial years 2011/12 to 2014/15.
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Rural safety

They can now talk and e-mail

The deterioration of communication infrastructure in rural areas has made it virtually impossible for many rural communities to communicate effectively. This problem is hopefully now a thing of the past after Agri SA and Vodacom signed an agreement in terms of which Vodacom would make satellite-based communication solutions available to farming and other communities. Read more
Kliek hier vir ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe van die berig.



Natural disasters

National Disaster Management Advisory Forum (NDMAF)

Agri SA, as member of the NDMAF, attended the meeting held on 25 June 2014 Matters of importance are that most of the sector departments, including the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) have completed their disaster management plans as required in terms of section 25 of the Disaster Management Act, 2002.
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Natural disasters

USAID Disaster Risk Reduction Steering Committee

Agri SA attended a meeting of the USAID Disaster Risk Reduction Steering Committee on 24 July 2014 to review the work done during the past year. Four years ago USAID made a substantial financial contribution to the North West University with the objective to develop a range of knowledge products (KPs) on all the facets of disaster management. These KPs will be made available, free of charge, to schools, universities, government institutions and the public at large. Read more




f@rmletter, news letter of the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO)risk

This news letter focuses on cooperatives and is featuring the following articles: 
• Cooperatives as a pathway to sustainable development
• Harnessing the Potentials and Overcoming Challenges
• Cooperatives, an essential tool for family farming
• Cooperatives are most relevant for smallholder farmers
• Challenge of Japan agricultural cooperatives in the food value chain
• Agricultural Cooperatives – critical in feeding the world
• The Gender and Generation Program of Cooperatives an initiative to strengthen women farmers in Brazil
• Cooperatives: hothouses for youth entrepreneurship in rural areas
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Agri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

Agri SA het die volgende mediaverklarings uitgereik.  Die volledige verklaring kan op Agri SA se webblad gelees word. Kliek hier
Agri SA issued the following media statements.  The full statement could be read on Agri SA’s webpage Click here
25 Julie/July 2014
Gronddebat gaan mank aan kundigheid en realisme
18 Julie/July 2014
Begrotingspos toespraak dui op omvangryke uitdagings vir landbou, sê Agri SA
14 Julie/July 2014
Vroue neem toekoms van platteland in eie hande
19 Junie/June 2014 
Agri SA verwelkom President Zuma se Staatsrede met versigtigheid / AGRI SA CAUTIOUSLY WELCOMES PRESIDENT ZUMA’S STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS
RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram  Enkele ander bydraes deur Agri SA word ook ingesluit.  Hieronder is ‘n skakel waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied.
RSG Landbou 21 Julie 2014: Johannes Moller – Keimoes vrouebemagtigingsprojek
RSG Landbou 14 Julie 2014: Gideon Anderson – Mpumalanga Landbou fokuspunte
RSG Landbou 9 Julie 2014: Dawie Maree – Voedselsekerheidswerkswinkels 
RSG Landbou 7 Julie 2014: Willem van Jaarsveld – Agri Limpopo Grondwerkswinkel
RSG Landbou 30 Junie 2014: Annelize Crosby – Mediadekking oor 50% grondbesit
RSG Landbou 24 Junie 2014: Johannes Moller – Agri SA besoek nuwe Minister van Landbou 
RSG Landbou 23 Junie 2014: Johannes Moller – Nasionale minimumloon effek op Landbou 
RSG Landbou 23 Junie 2014:  Johannes Moller – Agri SA reaksie op Staatsrede
RSG Landbou 17 Junie 2014: Jaco du Toit – Weskaap jongboer 
RSG Landbou 16 Junie 2014: Charles Hodsdon – Mpumalanga jongboer
RSG Landbou 16 Junie 2014:  Annelize Crosby – Regeringswerksinkel oor grondsake, restitusie ens.
RSG Landbou 9 Junie 2014: Dawie Maree – SACAU Jaarvergadering

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