Senwes en NWK wil saamsmelt |
Senwes en NWK se beherende maatskappye het hul voorneme om saam te smelt, aangekondig. |
Die wêreld staan tou vir sybokhaar |
Port Elizabeth. – Die oorlog tussen kopershuise en bokhaarverwerkers om genoeg sybokhaar van hoë gehalte te bekom, het op die jongste nasionale sybokhaarveiling voortgeduur. |
Food, beverage and tobacco sales decline |
The retail sales figures of food, beverages and tobacco were the weakest sector measured by Statistics South Africa’s retail sales figures in March, declining 1,8 % on a yearly basis. |
Farmers must express greater support for NDP |
The agriculture sector has widely welcomed the National Development Plan (NDP), which places much focus on the important contribution that farming and the agri-value chain can make towards job creation, revitalising rural communities and economic development. |
Stryd om agri-sake gaan taai raak |
Mededinging in die sakesektor in die landbou in Suid-Afrika gaan in die toekoms drasties toeneem |