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Livestock Disease Trends – June 2014
Roundworms: With colder temperatures in winter the infestation rates of most roundworm species (especially wireworm) are declining in the summer rainfall areas. However reports of infestations, especially in small stock, are still being received. 
An integrated approach to global food security
Most of the challenges currently confronting South African agriculture can be resolved by taking an integrated approach to the greatest of them all – global food security.
Verbruikers gaan selfs méér opdok vir krag
Kragpryse sal op 1 April 2015 meer as die 8% styg wat die nasionale energiereguleerder, Nersa, vir elke jaar tot 2018 goedgekeur het.
Styging in kospryse het dalk draaipunt bereik
Te oordeel na die pryse wat boere en vervaardigers vir hul produkte kry, wil dit voorkom asof inflasie sy boonste draaipunt bereik het.
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