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Statement following the NEC Lekgotla held on the 25th – 28th January 2015 – 28/01/2015
The African National Congress met in its 1st NEC Lekgotla for 2015 at the St. Georges Hotel in Irene, Tshwane from the 25th to the 28th January 2015. The Lekgotla followed successful January 8 Celebrations held in the Western Cape which had outlined important tasks for the ANC, government and society in general.
Planne wys ‘hoe min ANC weet’ – 29/01/2015
Dit is skokkend hoe min die ANC van boerdery weet.
Plaaswerkers se minimum loon styg met 7,7% – 28/01/2015
Die minimum loon vir plaaswerkers styg op 1 Maart met 7,7% tot R2 606,78 per maand – die laaste verhoging in ’n program van drie jaar waarop die minister van arbeid, Mildred Oliphant, in 2012 begin het.
NWKV bekommerd oor tekort aan OBP entstowwe – 28/01/2015
Die Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging het sy kommer uitgespreek oor die tekort aan entstowwe, teen veral bloutong en slenkdalkoors, wat deur Onderstepoort Biologiese Produkte vrygestel moes word.
Opportunities abound, despite economic challenges -27/01/2015

Nedbank VinPro Information Day 2015
Prospects for market development, innovation, wine tourism and the 2015 South African vintage are positive; however a slow economy, Eskom woes and land reform are some of the key challenges that wine producers face.
Absa Agri Trends 23 January 2015 – 23/01/2015
Low oil prices to have a major impact on the sugar industry!
The uncertainty in the debate whether low oil prices will influence the viability of the biofuel industry continues to place pressure on a wide range of agricultural commodity prices.
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