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Newsletter October PMF
The PMF invited researchers and specialists to discuss a framework for planning of a coordinated strategy.
Agricultural Watch
Finally some land reform consensus.
After years of bickering it seems that at least some of the stakeholders in agriculture finally agree in principle on the way forward for land reform.
Etikette vir GM se regulasies kom
Finale regulasies vir die etikettering van voedsel met bestanddele wat deur genetiese modifikasie (GM) gekweek is, gaan uiteindelik binne die volgende 30 dae gepubliseer word.
Boodskappe met vee-‘bestellings’ op verdagte se foon gevind
Teksboodskappe met bestellings vir skape op ’n vermeende veedief se selfoon het die polisie gelei na wat hulle glo die hoof van ’n veediefstalsindikaat is.
NW donates stud bulls to subsistence farmers
North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo recently handed over 10 Bonsmara and 10 Brahman stud bulls to 20 farmers in Mahikeng as part of the provincial government’s sire subsidy scheme.
Dip in fuel price may lower interest rates
The Department of Energy will announce its monthly fuel price adjustment on Friday, and statistics from the Central Energy Fund indicate that a litre of petrol could be about 40c cheaper and diesel as much as 54c cheaper from Wednesday next week.
Ectoparasites such as ticks, lice, mange mites, keds, flies and midges are important vectors of livestock diseases in South Africa.
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