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Wes-Kaap wys Jongboer van die Jaar aan – 27/05/2015
‘n Appels- en pereprodusent van die Koue Bokkeveld is Woensdagaand 27 Mei tydens ‘n glansgeleentheid in Durbanville as Agri Wes-Kaap en Santam Landbou se Wes-Kaap Jongboer van die Jaar aangewys.
Landbou bly groei, ondanks droogte28/05/2015
Die landbou het in die eerste kwartaal van vanjaar nie sleg gedoen nie, sê dr. Koos Coetzee oor die nuutste BBP-syfers.
Wolprys styg tot op rekordvlak28/05/2015
“Staan nou by wolveiling. Dis duurste veiling ooit!” het mnr. Casper Labuschagne, Oos-Kaapse wolboer, gister (Woensdag, 17 Mei) laat weet.
MEC Alan Winde on Western Cape’s search for agri-professionals– 27/05/2015
The search is on for the best employees of the Western Cape’s agricultural sector. Alan Winde, MEC of Economic Opportunities, this week officially launched the search for the 2015 Farmworker of the Year.
Former policeman and serial stock thief sentenced 28/05/2015
A former policeman was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for stock theft by the Mogwase Regional Court, North West police said on Wednesday.
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