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Help to combat the invader fruit fly (Bactrocera invadens)
The invader fruit fly (Bactrocera invadens) is an exotic fruit fly originating from Asia and is currently invading Africa, causing severe damage to host fruit and vegetables such as mangoes, guavas, citrus, marula, wild figs, peppers, pumpkins, watermelons and tomatoes. The pest can result in food insecurity, yield reduction, job losses, market restrictions and high production and post-harvest costs, if not effectively controlled.
SA kraai wéér koning met makadamias
Suid-Afrika is vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar aangewys as die wêreld se grootste produsent van makadamianeute.
EU-wetgewing vir sitrus uit SA gou verwag
Kleiner volumes sitrus kan moontlik uitgevoer word wanneer Europese wetgewing wat invoer uit Suid-Afrika reguleer, binnekort bekend word.
Newly constituted ministerial clusters announced
The Presidency has announced the new ministerial clusters which have been constituted to improve coordination within government and enhance the delivery of services.
Grootste mielie-oes in 31 jaar staan geil op die lande
Dis ’n bielie van ’n mielie-oes wat vanjaar van die lande gestroop word.
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