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Land to focus on security of tenure: Nkwinti
Parliament – Government will push ahead with plans to give farmworkers and dwellers security of tenure and to protect communal tenure to enable beneficiaries of reform to hold onto land, Minister Gugile Nkwinti said on Wednesday.
Boere juig oor vol damme
Kaapstad se damme is vir die eerste keer in 16 jaar voor die einde van Julie meer as 100% vol, wat goeie nuus vir boere is.
Peak veld fire season for Free State and North West farmers
The window period to prepare fire breaks expires on 31 July 2014, and farmers have been warned that the risk of strong winds makes it hazardous to continue making firebreaks in August. 
CPI remains unchanged in June
The consumer price index (CPI) for all urban areas remained unchanged in June, Statistics SA said on Wednesday.
Boere vang aanvaller blitsig
Groot lof is gister uitgespreek vir boere wat soos een man saamgekom, opgetree en ’n gewapende plaasaanvaller baie vinnig vasgetrek het.
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