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September 2014

e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.



Agri SA’s congress 2014

In Agri SA’s 110 year of existence the congress theme is: “Family Farming in a Transforming Society”, noting the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations’ theme for 2014, celebrating the immense contributions of family farming to societies around the globe. Congress will focus on three core challenges faced by family farms as major contributors to the sector’s performance, i.e. the road to meaningful and sustainable land reform; human relations for a prosperous agricultural sector; and enhancing economic progress for the spectrum of farmers. Read more



Grondberaad: 4 – 6 September 2014

Minister Nkwinti het ‘n Grondberaad geroep om vier besitreg-kwessies te bespreek, naamlik kommunale grond,  buitelandse eienaarskap, die relatiewe regte (50:50 ) voorstel en beperkings op grondbesit (grondplafonne).  Die beraad het van 4 – 6 September in Boksburg plaasgevind.  Daar was meer as 2000 mense by die beraad teenwoordig.  Organisasies soos die Landless Peoples Movement, LAMOSA, Nkuzi Development, Women on Farms, die Nasionale KhoiSan Raad, AFASA, NAFU, TLU-SA, Agbiz, ASUF, Agri SA, en andere. Lees meer



Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act takes effect

The Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 2013 was published on 29 August 2014 and came into effect on 1 September 2014. The objectives of the amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act are among others to address the exploitation of workers, ensure decent work for all workers, protect the employment relationship, introduce laws to regulate contract work, sub-contracting and out-sourcing, and to address some problems around labour broking.
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Agri Securitas

Kom slaan af vir plaasveiligheid

Op 23 Oktober 2014, sal daar afgeslaan word in die GWK/Agri Securitas gholfdag op die Kimberley gholfbaan ten bate van die beveiliging van die boerderygemeenskap. Deur deel te neem aan dié dag, kan maatskappye ‘n bydrae maak om die unieke veiligheidsuitdagings waarmee boerderygemeenskappe te make het help oorbrug. GWK is vir die 3de jaar die hoofborg van die geleentheid.
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Knoffelkwekersvereniging hou konferensie

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Knoffelkwekersvereniging (SAGCA) het op 3 September hulle twee-jaarlikse konferensie, met die tema “Our living soil”, en algemene jaarvergadering gehou. Die vergadering, by die LNR Roodeplaat, is baie goed bygewoon deur beide kommersiële en kleinskaal knoffelboere. Verskeie van die markagente wat knoffel verhandel was ook teenwoordig.
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Natural disasters

Meeting of the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum

Agri SA as a member of the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum (NDMAF) attended the meeting held on 4 September 2014. According to reports from the SA Weather Services (SAWS), the latest forecast for spring showed indications of below normal rain over the central interior, with high veld fire indexes. 
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Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill

A working session at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) was attended by Agri SA to discuss the comments received from various stakeholders on the Agricultural Research Council Amendment Bill. The main comments concentrated on the definitions in the Bill, functions of the council and the constitution of the council, placing much emphasis on the type of expertise council members must have.
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Developing agriculture

Working groups of the Agricultural Development Finance Forum of South Africa

Agri SA supported the development of the Agricultural Development Finance Forum of South Africa (ADeFFSA), which tends to bring together stakeholder and interested parties involved in agricultural development finance to share experiences, support each other in implementing initiatives, and to introduce best practice and innovations in finance.
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Natural resources

DAFF Minister launches National Arbor week in Soweto

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr. Senzeni Zokwana launched the National Arbor week in Soweto, Mofolo Park, on Monday 1 September 2014. In his opening address, Mr. Zokwana told the gathering that they should plant and protect trees as trees are life, they give us food, jobs, shade and make our cities look good. The Minister promised that his department will provide over 4000 trees to the communities of which 1000 of them would be peach trees.
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The future

Dialogue about land reform and food security in South Africa

The Secretary General of the ANC, Gwede Mantashe, hosted a dialogue about land reform and food security in South Africa on 13 August 2014 in Johannesburg. He was accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as well as the two deputy Ministers from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. The dialogue was facilitated by Roelf Meyer.
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Land reform

Agbiz congress: 2014: Where is Land Reform going?

During the past three years, the farming community has been confronted with a disturbing ruling by the Constitutional Court regarding mineral rights and property rights; a Green Paper on Land Reform which gave rise to many new policy documents and legislation, which represent a rather drastic departure from existing policy; and ongoing rhetoric around the willing buyer, willing seller approach.  The emergence of the EFF and their presence in Parliament has definitely further raised the temperature regarding the land issue. Read more




This newsletter of the WFO focuses on: Why Extension Services are important for agriculture?
• Access of Farmers to Extension Services
• Rural Extension Services in Argentina:a brief introduction
• Revolutionising Extension Service Delivery: the case of the Zambia National Farmers Union
• Extension Services in England and Wales
• Agricultural Advisory Requires Cooperation and Communication
• Consultancy as Extension Services: a building block for successful farming
• Advisory and Extension Services in Ireland
• Extension Services: Linking Research and Practice? A case for weaving a more inclusive quilt for women and minority farmers in the U.S.
• Apps for Agriculture: connecting farmers’ to technology
Click here to view the newsletter.



Parliamentary report: Fifth Parliament, July 2014

Before the elections in April the Fourth Parliament was dissolved.  After the elections Parliament was reconstituted. The National Assembly election was won by the ANC, but with a reduced majority of 62.1%, down from 659% in the 2009 election. The DA increased its share of the vote from 16.7% to 22.2%, while the EFF obtained 6.4% of the vote. Read more



Agri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

Agri SA het die volgende mediaverklarings uitgereik.  Die volledige verklaring kan op Agri SA se webblad gelees word. Kliek hier
Agri SA issued the following media statements.  The full statement could be read on Agri SA’s webpage. Click here
8 September 2014
Minister poog om onwerkbare beleid te vestig
Minister aims to institute unworkable policy

26 August 2014
Agri SA congratulates female award winners

25 Augustus/August 2014
Vrystaat landbouers kry hulp met plaasveiligheid
Free State farmers receive assistance with farm safety

21 Augustus/August 2014
Landbou Ondernemings-Ontwikkelingsopleiding begin /Agricultural entrepreneurial development training

8 September 2014
Summit was really all about land ceilings



RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram  Enkele ander bydraes deur Agri SA word ook ingesluit.  Hieronder is ‘n skakel waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied.
• RSG Landbou 25 Augustus 2014: Corrie Bezuidenhout – Knoffelinligtingsdag 3 September 
• RSG Landbou 25 Augustus 2014:  Ernest Pringle – Agri Oos-Kaap Kongres
• RSG Landbou 18 Augustus 2014: Dan Kriek – Vrystaat Landbou Kongres 
• RSG Landbou 13 Augustus 2014:  Niel Joubert – Agri Weskaap Kongres
• RSG Landbou 12 Augustus 2014: Doep du Pisani – Misdaad bestryding in Tweeling kry hupstoot
• RSG Landbou 11 Augustus 2014:  Niel Joubert – Agri SA,Vodacom Ooreenkoms
• RSG Landbou 28 Julie 2014:  Johannes Moller – Agri SA Raad en Strategiese vergaderings.

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