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Staat wil sê hoe jy mag boer– 21/06/2015
Wetsontwerp maak staat ‘kurator’ van alle landbougrond
As die regering sy sin kry, sal die minister van landbou aan boere kan voorsê waarmee hulle moet boer en wat die beste manier is om hul grond te gebruik.
In landbou dui hoë risiko nie op hoër winste– 22/06/2015
Die voortdurende herposisionering van jou onderneming en geldsake is ’n gegewe in die moderne tyd.
Land Expropriation Bill threatens food security20/06/2015
Experts say the proposed Expropriation bill has the potential to chase away commercial farmers from the agricultural sector. They believe that the fault is not with the bill itself but with the way that government might implement it. They were meeting at a conference on Food Security in Potchefstroom North West.
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