Land claims: finding a third way in Bosparadys |
Many of South Africa’s white commercial farmers see the land-claim process as an attack. For black claimants fighting to get back land stolen by the apartheid government, it’s about being made whole again. On Bosparadys farm in North West province, the two groups are trying to find a third way. |
New Leadership at the SA Table Grape Industry (SATI) |
Following the adoption of a new Memorandum of Incorporation and the merger of SAT and SATI, elections were held on the 8th May 2014 to nominate a new chairman and board. SATI is pleased to announce and welcome Mr Michael Laubscher, from the Hex River Valley region, as the new Chairman of SATI and Mr Altus Kirsten as the Vice-Chairman. This follows the appointment of Mr Willem Bestbier as the new CEO from January 2014 and completes the new leadership at SATI. |
Al 60 windturbines van die Jeffreysbaai-windplaas van Mainstream Renewable Power en Globeleq is nou voltooi en aan die gang om krag aan die Eskom-kragnetwerk te lewer. |
Astral se syfers blink weer |
Goedkoper voer en moontlike teen-stortingstariewe kan beter vooruitsigte vir pluimvee inhou, sê Astral Foods. |
Wie nie waag, sak uit |
Net 20 jaar gelede was landboumaatskappye nog koöperasies wat net in ’n beperkte gebied sake gedoen en hul lede gedien het. |