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Smith-moord barbaars en lafhartig
Die moord van dr. Hein Smith van Lindley word as barbaars en lafhartige optrede afgemaak deur
Tommie Esterhuyse, voorsitter van Vrystaat Landbou (VL) se Wet en Orde Komitee.
Cash injection to fight crime on farms2015/07/10
The Agri Securitas Trust Fund has allocated additional funds to fight crime in the farming communities of Senekal in the Free State as well as Steytlerville and Witkop near Burgersdorp in the Eastern Cape, according to a statement from the trust.
Agoa stu sitrusbedryf, bemagtiging2015/07/20
Duisende plaaswerkers is deur aandeelhouding of opleiding bemagtig danksy die groeiende Wes­-Kaapse sitrusuitvoerprogram na Amerika.
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