No power cuts but grid taking strain – Eskom – 20/01/2015 |
Johannesburg – There were no power cuts expected on Tuesday morning although the electricity grid was constrained, Eskom said. |
Landbou is regte doepa vir ekonomie – 20/01/2015 |
Selfs in Europa is die landbou die fokuspunt vir ekonomiese herstel in die ganse EU. |
Veediefstal in Mpumalanga skiet erg op – 20/01/2015 |
Veediefstal in dele van Mpumalanga het tussen Oktober en November verlede jaar met 140% toegeneem. |
The seven deadly sins of farming – 20/01/2015 |
By avoiding these basic errors, new farmers can increase their chances of success. |
‘Meat market not in red’ – 20/01/2015 |
The meat industry in South Africa is growing and the government is curbing any possible risk of a foot and mouth disease outbreak that may hamper growth. |
SATI Industry Newsletter – 19 January 2015 |