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Grondhervorming: Daar is ander maniere, sê kenners
’n Paar kenners is gister by die AHI Wes-Kaap se jaarkongres uitgevra oor die jongste omstrede grondhervormingsvoorstelle wat wil hê boere moet die helfte van hul grond aan hul plaaswerkers oordra. Volgens die voorstelle sal die regering betaal vir die grond. Die geld sal egter nie na die boer gaan nie, maar na ’n fonds waaruit die plaas ontwikkel moet word.
Boere, entrepreneurs kan platteland laat floreer
Boere het dalk ekstra onbenutte infrastruktuur op hul plase, of entrepreneurs kan uitgekontrakteerde dienste aan vyf of ses boere lewer teen ’n laer oorhoofse koste.
SA wêreld se grootste makadamia-produsent
Vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar is Suid-Afrika die wêreld se grootste produsent van makadamia-neute. Suid-Afrika se produksie het die afgelope jaar met 20% gegroei tot 48 000 t. Die naasgrootste produsent is Australië, wat jaarliks sowat 40 000 t van die totale wêreldoes van 160 000 t lewer.
‘Kleinboerplan sal nie werk’
Die regering se planne om duisende kleinboere te vestig, is nie lewensvatbaar nie en kan dié boere verdoem tot ’n “armlastige bestaan”. So sê Motsepe Matlala, president van die National African Farmers’ Union of South Africa (Nafu SA), volgens wie daar tans nóg die geld nóg die kundigheid beskikbaar is om kleinboere suksesvol en volhoubaar te laat boer.
State farms to go to community, youths in North West
North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo’s pledge to allocate all state-owned farms in the province to community and youth cooperatives has been greeted favourably, but details on how this will be implemented are sketchy.
Prolonged strike may damage exports and rand
SOUTH Africa’s trade deficit narrowed considerably in May, although economists warn that a strike starting on Tuesday in the metals industry — if prolonged — will delay a strong recovery in exports and weaken the rand. Export growth is needed to support South Africa’s fragile economic growth, given that domestic demand is too weak to drive economic activity. Exports rose 0.6% to R78.4bn while imports fell 5.9% to R84.9bn in May, causing the trade deficit to narrow to R6.6bn from R12.4bn in April.

Black South Africans get new chance to recoup stolen lands

South Africa will restart the claims process that provides compensation to black families who were illegally removed from their land during white rule. The window for those claims had been shut 16 years ago.
Landbou-minister wen harte
Die nuwe minister van landbou, bosbou en visserye se flikflooiery met boere vandeesweek het beslis ’n paar harte gewen. Senzeni Zokwana, minister, en sy adjunk, Bheki Cele, het gister met onder meer die Landboubemarkingsraad, Landbounavorsingsraad en Onderstepoort Biologiese Produkte vergader.
Learn from past mistakes
THE reopening of the land claims process for another five years has met with resistance in several quarters. The concern is understandable as it perpetuates the uncertainty brought about by constant changes to SA’s regulatory framework.
Vakbond wil EU die stryd aansê oor swartvlek
Die voedselwerkersvakbond Fawu het sy steun gebied aan die Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf oor nuwe Europese Unie (EU)-maatreëls wat sitrusuitvoer na dié gebied kan belemmer. Dié reëls, wat ingestel is om Europese sitrusboere teen sogenaamde swartvlekbesmetting te beskerm, sal van 21 Julie geld.
Agriculture minister meets stakeholders
The new Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, and his deputy, Bheki Cele held a meet and greet session with stakeholders in the agriculture sector in Pretoria yesterday.
Sensitive reform policy sees reopening of land claims
Africa’s sensitive land reform programme sees the reopening of land claims, bringing new hope for victims of land dispossession and renewed fears for commercial farmers. The country has struggled to deal with land claims over the past 20 years. 
SA benefits from Sadc deal with EU
THE terms of the economic partnership agreement that Southern African Development Community countries have negotiated with the European Union (EU) are an improvement on South Africa’s bilateral agreement with the EU, says international trade and economic development director-general Xavier Carim.
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