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‘Boere kan dié grond lank huur’19/05/2015
’n Forum moet geskep word waar die regering weer met alle rolspelers in die landbousektor oor die drasties gewysigde grondplafonne kan herbesin
Pluimvee: VSA soek 10% van SA mark19/05/2015
ʼn Geveggie wag oor Amerika se aandrang dat hy 120 000 ton hoenderstukke tariefvry na SA wil invoer.
DoL confirms that forestry wages apply to 9-hour day19/05/2015

In response to an enquiry from Forestry South Africa (FSA), the Department of Labour (DoL) has confirmed that the new minimum wages for workers in the country’s commercial forestry sector are based on a nine-hour working day. 

Minister of Economic Opportunities calls young innovators and researchers to agriculture18/05/2015
Speaking at a HORTGRO and HORTGRO Science event on Tuesday, 12 May, Western Cape Minister of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde said, "Young people looking for opportunities in agriculture need not look any further, as there is plenty of scope in this sector.
Die MBA-rebel met ’n ‘cause16/05/2015
Agri SA het ’n nuwe uitvoerende direkteur, ’n korporatiewe kantoorman. Maar in Omri van Zyl se verlede én in sy toekoms lê daar ’n plaas waar hy die grond kan ruik.
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