Agoa renewal- Local poultry industry loses out – 18/06/2015 |
Thousands of jobs and around R900m in revenue in the poultry industry have been put on the line so that South Africa can remain a beneficiary of America’s African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa). |
VL en Ace Magashule praat reguit– 19/06/2015 |
Die gebeure rondom pres. Jacob Zuma en die Nkandla-skandaal het Suid-Afrika op die rand van ’n grondwetlike krisis gebring, het Dan Kriek, president van Vrystaat Landbou (VL), Donderdag aan premier Ace Magashule van die Vrystaat gesê. |
Transnet wil meer landbouvrag dra– 18/06/2015 |
Transnet wil meer landbouprodukte per spoor vervoer en werk saam met die privaatsektor om spesiale waens vir dié doel te ontwikkel. |
Eskom tarrif application hearings next week – 19/06/2015 |
Public hearings into Eskom’s proposed electricity tariff hike application would commence next week, the National Energy Regulator (Nersa) said. |
Border security still a headache for police– 18/06/2015 |
The SA Police Service yesterday told parliament the country had failed to solve border control and border security problems. |