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Agoa renewal- Local poultry industry loses out – 18/06/2015
Thousands of jobs and around R900m in revenue in the poultry industry have been put on the line so that South Africa can remain a beneficiary of America’s African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).
VL en Ace Magashule praat reguit– 19/06/2015
Die gebeure rondom pres. Jacob Zuma en die Nkandla-skandaal het Suid-Afrika op die rand van ’n grondwetlike krisis gebring, het Dan Kriek, president van Vrystaat Landbou (VL), Donderdag aan premier Ace Magashule van die Vrystaat gesê.
Transnet wil meer landbouvrag dra– 18/06/2015
Transnet wil meer landbouprodukte per spoor vervoer en werk saam met die privaatsektor om spesiale waens vir dié doel te ontwikkel.
Eskom tarrif application hearings next week – 19/06/2015
Public hearings into Eskom’s proposed electricity tariff hike application would commence next week, the National Energy Regulator (Nersa) said.
Border security still a headache for police– 18/06/2015
The SA Police Service yesterday told parliament the country had failed to solve border control and border security problems.
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