Veld fires threaten to add to woes of drought-hit farmers – 17/06/2015 |
FARMERS in drought-stricken provinces were preparing for veld fires, which would compound the effects of the harsh weather blamed for crop failures, agricultural organisations said on Tuesday. |
Mei-inflasie bring ‘n bietjie goeie nuus – 17/06/2015 |
Mei se inflasiekoers is dalk ’n goeie rede om vanaand ’n glasie te klink omdat dit skaars gestyg het. |
KwaZulu-Natal drought leads to water cuts – 15/06/2015 |
KWAZULU-Natal’s drought is affecting industry and agriculture, and has forced many municipalities to ration water. |
Red tape at cities hurts SA exports – 15/06/2015 |
SA is among the top 50 most expensive economies when it comes to exporting, with high port tariffs, lengthy handling times and high inland transport costs making it difficult for firms to trade abroad. |