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Rush-hour truck restrictions on way for SA – 15/04/2015
In a move to curb South Africa’s appalling road death toll, Transport Minister Dipuo Peters is proposing restrictions for goods vehicles on public roads.
According to the department, the restrictions will affect commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) exceeding 9 000kg.
SA and US edge closer to settlement on chicken dispute – 16/04/2015
Negotiators for the South African and US chicken industries have agreed on the principles for settling the dispute that has been threatening SA’s preferential access to the US market, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said on Wednesday night.
AIR systems under the spotlight – 15/04/2015
The importance of animal identification and traceability systems came under the spotlight at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria recently. 
Maer jare vir vleiseters 16/04/2015
Dat Suid-Afrikaners lief is vir hul vleis is nie altemit nie – maar plaaslike verbruikers betaal tans heelwat meer vir skaaptjoppies en beesfilet.
Reën rem soja-oes te midde van droogte 15/04/2015
Na ’n somer waarin reën ’n saak van gebed was, begin boere in KZN en die Oos-Vrystaat nou duim vashou vir droër omstandighede.
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