‘Gee ’n boer ’n plan’ |
As daar werkbare planne is, sal dit ander boere beïnvloed en motiveer om deel te neem. Die land se grootste boere het hulle Woensdag in Johannesburg daartoe verbind om hul swart, opkomende eweknieë te help. |
Swak syfers laat die resessiespook loop |
Die kans dat Suid-Afrika amptelik in ’n resessie kan wees, lyk al hoe groter. ’n Inkrimping in kleinhandelverkope in Junie en ’n inkrimping in vervaardiging en nywerheidsproduksie dui daarop dat die ekonomie in die tweede kwartaal heel waarskynlik ook ingekrimp het. |
Belê nou in landbou, meen Janovsky |
Landbouers kán nog geld in dié bedryf maak, sê mnr. Ernst Janovsky, hoof van Absa se landbou-eenheid. |
SA Stock theft hot spots |
Stock theft has become a lucrative business in South Africa with disastrous consequences for the livestock industry, SA Red Meat Producers’ Organisation vice chairperson, Jaco Maré, said at the national RPO congress in Bloemfontein. |
Q2 demand for SA goods dismal: survey |
Demand for South African manufactured goods was dismal in the second quarter of 2014, Manufacturing Circle said on Thursday. |
Your farms will not be grabbed without compensation: Mantash |
Farms will not be taken from owners without compensation, ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe said on Wednesday. |