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Staal jou maar vir duurder kos12/02/2015
Verbruikers moet hulle staal vir hoër voedselpryse, waarsku die landbou-ekonoom Johan Willemse.
Wolprys styg met 2% 12/02/2015
Die wolmark het ʹn welkome oplewing getoon, te midde van die neerdrukkende droogte.
Rocky road ahead for new transport regulations11/02/2015
Transport and logistics stakeholders have bemoaned the new road regulations which came into effect on January 31, saying they would affect the “smooth running” of logistics in the country.
Agri Trends Weekly Market Analysis06/03/2015
El Niño Condition!
Forecast models indicate that ENSO will persist in a weak El Niño condition for the rest of the summer season to autumn.
Absa’s Cumulus report on10/03/2015
Circulation patterns during the past week have been such that maximum temperatures over the summer rainfall region remained near normal while above-normal temperatures were recorded over the southwestern parts of the country, related especially to hot conditions by the 3rd.
NWKV Nuus / NWGA News Februarie 2015
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