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Robinson Regstreeks: 11 Junie 2014, 21:00 op DSTV kanaal 144

Dr Theo de Jager van Agri SA en Prof Mohammed Karaan neem deel aan ‘n gesprekNuwe grondhervormingsplan:  onwerkbaar of oplossing?’    ‘n Onderhoud wat vroeër met Minister Nkwinti hieroor gevoer is, word ook uitgesaai. Die aanbieder van die program is Freek Robinson.
DAFF Minister and Deputy hold a stakeholder meeting
Mr Senzeni Zokwana, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and his deputy, Mr Bheki Cele, met representatives from organised agriculture yesterday in Pretoria as part of their introductory interactions with key stakeholders in the agriculture sector. 
SA exported 665 000t of fertiliser in 2013
The South Africa fertiliser tonnage exported in 2013 increased by almost 64% to 665 000t valued at R4 billion, compared to R2,1 billion the previous year.
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