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Ownership no longer the key to empowering farm workers
IT IS evident that Rural Development and Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti has the best of intentions in designing a new policy to empower farm workers. Unfortunately, these proposals are based on assumptions that are about a century out of date.
Monsanto vergroot produksie in Europa
Ongeag die verbod op die produksie van geneties gemanipuleerde (GM-) gewasse in Frank­ryk en sommige ander EU-lande, het Monsanto, op grond van toenemende druk van produsente vir hoëgehalte mielie-, raap- en groentesaad, asook oliesade, altesaam €137 miljoen in Frank­ryk belê om sy geriewe vir konvensionele saadproduksie uit te brei, sê Kobus Steenekamp, Monsanto se sakebestuurder vir Suid-Afrika, in ’n nuusverklaring.
Patel reworks Competition Act against excessive pricing
ECONOMIC Development Minister Ebrahim Patel is drafting amendments to the Competition Act to give authorities more tools to act against dominant firms that practice excessive pricing.
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