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Omri van Zyl se siening van landbou
Een van die voorrangsake wat mnr. Omri van Zyl, die aangewese touleier van Agri SA, homself opgelê het, is om maniere te kry wat die landbou-ekonomie kan laat groei. JOYLENE VAN WYK het hom gevra hoe hy dit gaan regkry.
Minimum wages under spotlight– 2015/08/08
The farm and forestry sectors’ roadshows will be held in Richards Bay on 12 August for farmers and on 13 August for the forestry sector.
Ban lifted on fresh ostrich meat exports– 2015/08/08
By the end of August, South African producers will again be able to export fresh ostrich meat to the EU. 
Exports were banned following a break-out of highly pathogenic avian influenza four years ago. Since then the industry has implemented numerous measures to prevent future outbreaks and has also started exporting cooked ostrich meat. 
RPO Bulletin Augustus 2015
Die RPO se elektroniese nuusbrief is vanaf Julie 2015 voortaan in beide Afrikaans en Engels beskikbaar wees.  
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