Forestry industry claims regulations stunted timber plantations’ growth |
A "VEXATIOUS" regulatory regime and broken promises from the government have hindered the growth of South Africa’s timber plantations, the forestry industry has claimed. |
Renosters: Polisie, boere vang stropers |
Talle renosterstropers is deur die Polisie, boere en bewaringsgroepe vasgetrek. |
Sitrusboere ly verlies van R1 miljard oor swartvlek-vrees |
Die Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf vat liewer nou die pyn van ’n vrywillige uitvoerverbod na Europa as om volgende jaar ’n algehele verbod te moet hanteer. |
Absa Agri Trends for August 2014 |
SA wool started the new season on a positive note |