+ 27 53 832 9595
SA farmers are ‘agropreneurs’ – 2015/10/05
Local farmers seek to create sustainable business ventures out of agro-commodities, goods and services with other role players in the value chain. They are not mere landowners, according to Christo van der Rheede, deputy executive director at Agri SA.
Agriculture a national asset that should not be subjected to political and economic uncertainty – 2015/10/02
Political uncertainty was currently the single biggest challenge in agriculture in South Africa, said Efficient Group chief economist Dawie Roodt. Print Send to Friend 0 0 Speaking this week, he noted that the amount of contradictory policies coming out of government, the level of political positioning and continued rumours around land ownership and reform were undermining the agriculture sector and the future of the country.
Vrou erg aangerand in plaasaanval – 2015/10/05
‘n Vroue-bestuurslid van Vrystaat Landbou is Sondagmiddag op haar plaas ingewag en erg aangerand.
Twee mans het ‘n vrou ingewag toe sy van ‘n vergadering af op haar plaas by Harrismith aangekom het. Sy is erg aangerand. Luidens ‘n nuusverklaring van Vrystaat Landbou en die KB Veiligheidlessenaar is die vrou, ‘n bestuurslid van die organisasie, oorval toe sy rondom 17:00 van ‘n vergadering op Bethlehem op haar plaas aangekom het.
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