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‘Tabak maak enorme bydrae’ – 03/02/2015
Tabakboere moet fyn trap om te oorleef, sê die voorsitter van die Tabakinstituut van Suidelike Afrika.
SA wine industry generates more jobs – 03/02/2015
A new report shows that South Africa’s wine industry not only continues to increase its contribution to the country’s GDP but is also growing job opportunities. This is despite the impact of a muted global economy and a slight decrease in the size of the national vineyard.
Moedelose verbruikers: Waarom bly kos so duur? – 03/02/2015
Al hoe meer stemme begin opklink dat kleinhandelaars hul besparing aan brandstofkoste aan verbruikers moet deurgee.
Absa:  Agri Trends – 30/01/2015
The world sugar situation!
There have been large amounts of sugar in the world market, and hence the lower sugar prices. The rise in prices earlier this decade encouraged a major expansion in production which has led to a quick build-up in stocks.
NWGA Newsletter – 23/01/2015
Last year was a good one for the wool industry. Prices remained at decent levels despite the turmoil and economic woes of the European Union, a major client, and slower growth in China.
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