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[:en]A valuable information exchange about world production and marketing of dried grape production recently took place in Germany.

Delegations from Argentina, Australia, Chile, India, Iran, South Africa, Turkey and the USA participated in the 2015 International Seedless Dried Grape Producing Countries Conference that took place on the 15-16 October in Hamburg – following the conclusion of the northern hemisphere harvest.

Mr Dappie Smit of South Africa was elected chairman for the Conference, whilst Mr Osman Oz of Turkey and Mr Carlos Huertas Garcia of Argentina were elected deputy chairmen.

The Conference considered the world supply and demand position and noted seedless dried grape production from the Sultana / Natural Seedless Raisin varieties had decreased mainly due to unfavourable weather conditions.

The Conference received presentations from guest speakers on marketing and promotion as the producing countries are considering a mutually funded promotion program.

Mr Louis van Zyl of HORTGRO (the South African Deciduous Fruit Service Company) presented a generic promotion program for fresh fruit in Europe that has been very successful. Such a program could potentially be copied by the raisin groups.

Mr John Giles of Promar in the UK made a presentation on ways of prioritising international markets for a possible promotion program for raisins. He said that market factors are influenced by consumers’ age, income and preferences. These factors also had an impact on the growth potential of the market.

Mr Edward Garner, Director of Kantar World Panel gave a retail expert’s view on what is happening in the dried fruit sector which included detail information on movements in the dried fruit market. Consumer patterns are constantly shifting which has an impact on the big supermarket groups in Europe and the UK.

The statistical analysis undertaken at the conference showed that the total availability of Natural Seedless Raisins (TSR’s) and Sultanas have decreased by eight percent. The analysis also revealed that at the end of the season only 36 239 tons will be carried forward to the next season. The Conference concluded that this ending stock is smaller than expected and some good planning would be needed to supply all demands.

The conference agreed to invite other producing countries, such as China and Uzbekistan, again to be present at the 2016 conference.

With regard to the supply situation for currants it was noted that the recent trend of smaller Greek crops had continued and world production was thirty thousand tons compared to twenty eight

thousand tons last year. The other producing countries of currants, the USA, South Africa and Australia reported slightly increased levels of production for 2015.

The conference recorded the attached 2015 seedless dried grape production estimates. It was also confirmed that the next conference will be in China during October/November 2016.

Enquiries: Dappie Smit 082 781 2192 of dappies@hortgro.co.za
[:za]Waardevolle inligting oor die wêreldproduksie en bemarking van rosyne is op 15 en 16 Oktober vanjaar tydens die Internasionale Konferensie van Pitlose Droogdruif Produserende Lande in Hamburg, Duitsland, uitgeruil.

Verteenwoordigers van Argentinië, Australië, Chile, Indië, Iran, Suid-Afrika en die VSA het na afloop van die Noordelike Halfrond se oesseisoen bymekaargekom, om weersomstandighede, verbruikervoorkeure, produksieskattings en internasionale tendense te bespreek.

Mnr. Dappie Smit van Suid-Afrika is verkies tot konferensievoorsitter, terwyl mnre. Osman Oz van Turkye en Carlos Huertas Garcia van Argentinië ondervoorsitters was.

Konferensiegangers het die afname in die pitlose-droogdruifproduksie van sultana/natuurlike pitlose- rosyne variëteite bespreek, wat hoofsaaklik weens ongunstige weersomstandighede is. Die vraag en aanbod posisie is ook bespreek. Gassprekers het verskeie voorleggings oor bemarking en promosietendense aangebied, omdat die produserende lande ‘n promosieprogram oorweeg wat gesamentlik deur al die lande befonds sal word.

Mnr. Louis van Zyl, algemene bestuurder van HORTGRO – die Suid-Afrikaanse sagtevrugtediensorganisasie, het ‘n voorlegging gedoen oor die generiese promosieprogram vir vars vrugte wat in Europa baie suksesvol is. Dit is ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n program wat moontlik deur die rosynegroepe nagevolg kan word.

Mnr John Giles, van Promar in die Verenigde Koninkryk (VK), het gesê dat markte gerangeer moet word voordat ‘n promosieprogram aangepak word. Hy het klem gelê op faktore soos verbruikers se ouderdom, inkomste en voorkeure wat vir alle markte verskil, maar wat die groeipotensiaal kan beïnvloed.

Mnr. Edward Garner, direkteur van Kantar World Panel en kleinhandelkundige het gesê sy maatskappy se ontledings dui daarop dat verbruikerspatrone voortdurend verskuif en dat voorkeure verander. Dit het ‘n effek op die bekende supermarkte in Europa en die VK – wat tradisioneel groot kopers van rosyne is.

Die statistiese analise wat by die konferensie gedoen is, het duidelik getoon dat die totale beskikbaarheid van pitlose rosyne en sultanas met 8% afgeneem het. Dit is ook bekendgemaak dat slegs 36 239 ton aan die einde van die huidige seisoen oorgedra sal word na die volgende seisoen. Kongresgangers het bekommerd aangedui dat hierdie voorraad heelwat minder is as wat aanvanklik verwag is en dat dit goeie beplanning gaan kos om in die totale vraag te voorsien.

Die konferensie het ingestem om ander produserende lande, soos China en Uzbekistan, weer te probeer betrek by die volgende konferensie wat in 2016 plaasvind.

Daar is kennis geneem van die aanbodsituasie en produksietendense oor korente – met kleiner oeste uit lande soos Griekeland – wat veroorsaak dat totale wêreldproduksie van slegs 33 000 ton vanjaar gehaal sal word. Die ander korente produserende lande soos die VSA, Australië en Suid-Afrika het aangedui dat hul produksievlakke in 2015 effe hoër was.

Die konferensie het ook kennis geneem van die 2015 oesskattings van pitlose-droogdruifproduksie volumes. Die volgende konferensie sal gedurende Oktober/November 2016 in China plaasvind.

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