For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.
GrondhervormingGesamentlike parlementêre komitee bespreek grond-beleidskrifteDaar is ‘n spesiale “ad hoc” gesamentlike komitee deur die parlement saamgestel om te handel met die nalatenskap van die 1913 Grond Wet. Hierdie gesamentlike komitee bestaan uit lede van die portefeuljekomitees op landbou, bosbou en visserye, landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming, openbare werke, kuns, kultuur en wetenskap en menslike vestigings. |
Land reformRedrafting of the Property Valuations BillThe Property Valuations Bill, 2013 was published for public comment in the Government Gazette on the 15th May, 2013. Initially the Bill would establish the Office of the Valuer-General (OVG), a bureaucratic structure tasked with commissioning all valuations required by organs of state for expropriation, sale and purchase or lease agreements. Agri SA participated in the NAREG work-stream process that culminated in the Bill and consequentially commented on the Bill. Read more |
Landelike veiligheidVeiligheidswerkswinkelsVrystaat Landbou het pas twee veiligheidswerkswinkels, een elk in Dealsville en Welkom aangebied. Die werkswinkels is die laaste fase in die implementering van Vrystaat Landbou se Landelike Veiligheidsplan en behels opleiding aan boerelede asook polisiebeamptes ten opsigte van die hantering van verskeie aspekte rakende landelike beveiliging. |
Natural resourcesSABI national congressThe South African Irrigation Institute (SABI) held its bi-annual National Congress on 19-22 August in the Free State. The theme focused on “Farming into the future with effective irrigation water use” SABI strives to provide better irrigation standards and norms in ensuring the optimal use of irrigation water, as a scarce natural resource. The organization has more than 450 members that include inter alia designers, engineers, soil scientists, crop experts, economists and irrigation farmers. |
Internasionale handelAGOA Forum 2013Die 2013 forum van die “African Growth and Opportunity Act” (AGOA) het van 10-13 Augustus in Addis Ababa, Ethiopië, plaasgevind. Agri SA het die forum bygewoon as verteenwoordiger van die private sektor. Die tema van die 2013 forum was: “Sustainable transformation through trade & technology”. AGOA is in 2000 in werking gestel en laat 39 kwalifiserende Afrika-lande, insluitende Suid-Afrika, toe om bepaalde produkte tarief-vry na Amerika uit te voer. Lees meer |
ClimateWorkshop: 19 – 22 August 2013 on the Road Map towards the National Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)The national climate services workshop were held under the auspices of the South African Weather Service in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs and the World Meteorological Organisation, with the purpose to bring all major stakeholders together. Read more |
RamphulpDie droogte situasie in die Noodwes provinsieAgri SA het as lid van die Nasionale Rampbestuur Advies Forum die vergadering van 15 Augustus 2013 bygewoon. Agri SA het ernstige beswaar aangeteken teen die vertraging met die besondere hulpverlening aan die Noordwes provinsie. ‘n Opvolg vergadering is op 16 Augustus 2013 tussen die Nasionale Rampbestuursentrum, die Noordwes Provinsiale Rampbestuursentrum en Noordwes Provinsiale Departement van Landbou gehou, met die doel om hulpverlening te bespoedig. |
Economydti Industry Forum MeetingThe Department of Trade and Industry (dti) held an industry forum meeting on 19 August with the topic “The impact of rand volatility on South Africa’s productive sectors and potential mitigation measures”. Various industries, including agriculture (represented by Agri SA) attended the meeting. Since the global financial crises and subsequent recession in late 2008, there has been an increasing debate around the South African exchange rate regime and its impact on the developmental imperatives outlined in the Medium Term Strategic Framework, Industrial Policy Action Plan and New Growth Path. Read more |
Agri SecuritasGholfdae ondersteun landelike beveiligingspogingLandboubesighede soos GWK in Douglas en Afgri in Centurion gaan vanjaar weer hulle gewig, as hoofborge, agter die Agri Securitas Trustfonds se gholfdae ingooi om fondse in te samel vir landelike beveiligingsprojekte. Die aanbied van die dae is een van die wyses waarop die Trustfonds fondse genereer vir aanwending in landelike beveiliging. Die dae sal op 17 Oktober 2013 in Kimberley en op 31 Oktober 2013 by die Woodhill gholfbaan in Pretoria aangebied word. |
Jongboer van die JaarNog jongboere gekroonDie jongboer kompetisie, geborg deur Toyota SA, is vir Agri SA en sy provinsiale organisasies belangrik en dra by tot die ontwikkeling van jong rolmodelle in die landbou. Tydens Agri Noord-Kaap se pas afgelope kongres is Attie Scholtz, ‘n besproeiingsboer van Douglas aangewys as die wenner. Kobus de Beer van die plaas Dawnfarm in die Luxemburgdistrik is aangewys as Agri Limpopo se Jongboer van die Jaar. Lees meer |
KommunikasieAGRI amper oppadAgri SA se twee-maandelikse tydskrif die Agri waarby ingelyf die Boer/the Farmer is by die drukkers en behoort binnekort aan lesers versend te word. Die Augustus/September 2013 uitgawe is weer propvol berigte en artikels wat boerelesers interessant mag vind. In die uitgawe word die klem hoofsaaklik geplaas op besproeiïng met ‘n verskeidenheid artikels en advertensies wat oor die onderwerp handel. |
Rural safetyCounselling workshopsReformanda Counselling Services has been actively involved during the past seven years in providing counselling services to farming communities countrywide. Individual counselling sessions are also offered after a workshop. The Agri Securitas Trust Fund has been actively involved in the financing of these workshops countrywide. The success of the trauma workshops lies in the fact that agricultural communities, who are often far away from support services where they can deal with their emotional problems, are now able to make use of this service. Read more |
GrondhervormingGesamentlike parlementêre komitee bespreek grond-beleidskrifteDaar is ‘n spesiale “ad hoc” gesamentlike komitee deur die parlement saamgestel om te handel met die nalatenskap van die 1913 Grond Wet. Hierdie gesamentlike komitee bestaan uit lede van die portefeuljekomitees op landbou, bosbou en visserye, landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming, openbare werke, kuns, kultuur en wetenskap en menslike vestigings. |
Land reformRedrafting of the Property Valuations BillThe Property Valuations Bill, 2013 was published for public comment in the Government Gazette on the 15th May, 2013. Initially the Bill would establish the Office of the Valuer-General (OVG), a bureaucratic structure tasked with commissioning all valuations required by organs of state for expropriation, sale and purchase or lease agreements. Agri SA participated in the NAREG work-stream process that culminated in the Bill and consequentially commented on the Bill. Read more |
Landelike veiligheidVeiligheidswerkswinkelsVrystaat Landbou het pas twee veiligheidswerkswinkels, een elk in Dealsville en Welkom aangebied. Die werkswinkels is die laaste fase in die implementering van Vrystaat Landbou se Landelike Veiligheidsplan en behels opleiding aan boerelede asook polisiebeamptes ten opsigte van die hantering van verskeie aspekte rakende landelike beveiliging. |
Natural resourcesSABI national congressThe South African Irrigation Institute (SABI) held its bi-annual National Congress on 19-22 August in the Free State. The theme focused on “Farming into the future with effective irrigation water use” SABI strives to provide better irrigation standards and norms in ensuring the optimal use of irrigation water, as a scarce natural resource. The organization has more than 450 members that include inter alia designers, engineers, soil scientists, crop experts, economists and irrigation farmers. |
Internasionale handelAGOA Forum 2013Die 2013 forum van die “African Growth and Opportunity Act” (AGOA) het van 10-13 Augustus in Addis Ababa, Ethiopië, plaasgevind. Agri SA het die forum bygewoon as verteenwoordiger van die private sektor. Die tema van die 2013 forum was: “Sustainable transformation through trade & technology”. AGOA is in 2000 in werking gestel en laat 39 kwalifiserende Afrika-lande, insluitende Suid-Afrika, toe om bepaalde produkte tarief-vry na Amerika uit te voer. Lees meer |
ClimateWorkshop: 19 – 22 August 2013 on the Road Map towards the National Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)The national climate services workshop were held under the auspices of the South African Weather Service in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs and the World Meteorological Organisation, with the purpose to bring all major stakeholders together. Read more |
RamphulpDie droogte situasie in die Noodwes provinsieAgri SA het as lid van die Nasionale Rampbestuur Advies Forum die vergadering van 15 Augustus 2013 bygewoon. Agri SA het ernstige beswaar aangeteken teen die vertraging met die besondere hulpverlening aan die Noordwes provinsie. ‘n Opvolg vergadering is op 16 Augustus 2013 tussen die Nasionale Rampbestuursentrum, die Noordwes Provinsiale Rampbestuursentrum en Noordwes Provinsiale Departement van Landbou gehou, met die doel om hulpverlening te bespoedig. |
Economydti Industry Forum MeetingThe Department of Trade and Industry (dti) held an industry forum meeting on 19 August with the topic “The impact of rand volatility on South Africa’s productive sectors and potential mitigation measures”. Various industries, including agriculture (represented by Agri SA) attended the meeting. Since the global financial crises and subsequent recession in late 2008, there has been an increasing debate around the South African exchange rate regime and its impact on the developmental imperatives outlined in the Medium Term Strategic Framework, Industrial Policy Action Plan and New Growth Path. Read more |
Agri SecuritasGholfdae ondersteun landelike beveiligingspogingLandboubesighede soos GWK in Douglas en Afgri in Centurion gaan vanjaar weer hulle gewig, as hoofborge, agter die Agri Securitas Trustfonds se gholfdae ingooi om fondse in te samel vir landelike beveiligingsprojekte. Die aanbied van die dae is een van die wyses waarop die Trustfonds fondse genereer vir aanwending in landelike beveiliging. Die dae sal op 17 Oktober 2013 in Kimberley en op 31 Oktober 2013 by die Woodhill gholfbaan in Pretoria aangebied word. |
Jongboer van die JaarNog jongboere gekroonDie jongboer kompetisie, geborg deur Toyota SA, is vir Agri SA en sy provinsiale organisasies belangrik en dra by tot die ontwikkeling van jong rolmodelle in die landbou. Tydens Agri Noord-Kaap se pas afgelope kongres is Attie Scholtz, ‘n besproeiingsboer van Douglas aangewys as die wenner. Kobus de Beer van die plaas Dawnfarm in die Luxemburgdistrik is aangewys as Agri Limpopo se Jongboer van die Jaar. Lees meer |
KommunikasieAGRI amper oppadAgri SA se twee-maandelikse tydskrif die Agri waarby ingelyf die Boer/the Farmer is by die drukkers en behoort binnekort aan lesers versend te word. Die Augustus/September 2013 uitgawe is weer propvol berigte en artikels wat boerelesers interessant mag vind. In die uitgawe word die klem hoofsaaklik geplaas op besproeiïng met ‘n verskeidenheid artikels en advertensies wat oor die onderwerp handel. |
Rural safetyCounselling workshopsReformanda Counselling Services has been actively involved during the past seven years in providing counselling services to farming communities countrywide. Individual counselling sessions are also offered after a workshop. The Agri Securitas Trust Fund has been actively involved in the financing of these workshops countrywide. The success of the trauma workshops lies in the fact that agricultural communities, who are often far away from support services where they can deal with their emotional problems, are now able to make use of this service. Read more |