+ 27 53 832 9595


e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.

April 2014


Land reform

Consultative workshop on relative rights policy

Minister Nkwinti called a follow-up workshop on the draft policy
proposals, which proposes that each farm contributes 50% of the land
to farm workers on the basis of the number of years of service.  The
first consultative workshop was held in Soweto on 2 August 2013.  Agri
SA objected to this draft policy on the basis that the proposals were
unworkable, in all likelihood unconstitutional and may lead to
disinvestment in the sector and food insecurity.
Read more
Kliek hier
vir ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe van die artikel.



World Farmers Organization (WFO) met in Argentina

A delegation of Agri SA, under the leadership of Mr Johannes Möller,
president of Agri SA, recently attended a meeting of the WFO in Buenos
Aires, Argentina. The WFO is an international member based
organization whose mandate is to bring together farmer’ organizations
and agricultural cooperatives from all over the world, representing the
global community of farmers. WFO includes 65 members from fifty
different countries touching all regions of the world.
Read more


International trade

Update on the Department of Trade and Industry’s
negotiations for the protection of Geographical
Indications for agricultural products in the European

The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) is currently involved in the
process of negotiating a new Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
with the European Union (EU) which will replace the current Trade,
Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA). Bilateral recognition
and protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) for agricultural products
forms a key component of the negotiations.
Read more




Die dieselterugbetaling wat boere ontvang, is van 2 April 2014 verhoog
vanaf R1,75 c/l na R1,878 c/l op 80% van die toegelate dieselverbruik.
Dié verhoging spruit uit Pravin Gordhan se aankondiging in Februarie dat
die heffing van die padongelukkefonds met 8 c/l en die algemene
brandstofheffing met 12 c/l verhoog. By ‘n onlangse vergadering van die
Kommersiële Beleidskomitee van Agri SA is die belangrikheid van die
hou van logboeke weereens bespreek.
Lees meer


Landelike veiligheid

Agri Securitas Gholfdae nou deel van Old Mutual Agri
gholf reeks spesifiek vir landelike gebiede

Die Agri Securitas Gholfdae wat as fondsinsameling dien om
boerderygemeenskappe teen misdadigheid te help beskerm, vorm nou
deel van die gewilde Old Mutual International Pairs SA (Omipsa)
kompetisie. Dit is ‘n kompetisie wat in landelike gebiede aangebied word
waaraan boere en werknemers van agribesighede wat gholf speel, kan
deel neem.
Lees meer



Accounting for Agriculture: Regional half-day seminars
plus full-day conference

The SA Accounting Academy will be hosting its inaugural Accounting for
Agriculture seminars and conference across the country during May
2014. Designed for accountants with agricultural clients and business
owners/financial managers in agricultural businesses, you have a choice
of either attending a half-day seminar, which will cover the majority of
your most pressing issues in a practical, workshop-style format or a
one-day conference in Pretoria on 20 May. Read more



Connection of generation to Eskom’s low voltage

The South African customer perspective in terms of electricity usage is
evolving. This is a result of a number of factors including the rising
electricity prices, the threat of load curtailment at a time when South
Africa is faced with capacity constraints, the need to be energy efficient
and also the ever-rising need to demonstrate good citizenship by using
green energy. These factors have resulted in some customers (large
and small) considering alternative sources of energy. Amongst these
alternative energy sources considered is the increasing public interest to
install own generation. Read more
Kliek hier vir ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe van die berig.


Rural security

Gala evening in aid of farm safety coinciding with the Royal Show – 28 May 2014

The world is envious of South African farmers for their expertise in the agricultural field that continues to ensure that our country has sufficient food, notwithstanding the security threat that they must face on a daily basis. In the total picture of agricultural production, the South African farmer is an exception par excellence. Join us at this function and help the Agri Securitas Trust Fund, established by Agri SA, to protect our farmers as an asset for the future. Read more


Organised agriculture

Nation in conversation:  Nampo Harvest Day 2014

On Thursday, 15 May 2014, Agri SA’s Deputy-president, Dr Theo De Jager, will be part of a discussion panel to discuss: “The role of organised agriculture, PR in agriculture, changing role definitions” Senwes, an agricultural business in the North West province, has identified the need to host an event to facilitate stakeholder engagement and high level discussions around topical issues in the agricultural sector. Nampo was the ideal platform to launch this forum. Read more


Landelike veiligheid

Hulp met misdaadbekampingsinisiatiewe

Die voorkoms van plaasmisdaad soos moord, gewapende roof, veediefstal en so meer, is van die bedreigings wat ‘n nadelige effek op individue se veiligheid en die produksievermoë van die landbou het. Die fondse wat die Agri Securitas Trustfonds pas aan misdaadgeteisterde-boerderygemeenskappe landswyd bewillig het, sal bydra om hulle eie voorkomingsmaatreëls effektief te implementeer.  Lees meer


Natuurlike hulpbronne

Stand van damme

Die droogtetoestande in Noordwes, gedeeltes van suid en suidwes van Bloemfontein in die Vrystaat is finaal gebreek, terwyl goeie reën ook oor groot dele van Noord-Kaap  voorgekom het. Ongelukkig het die gunstige weerstoestande ook gepaard gegaan met vloede wat aansienlike skade aan infrastruktuur en oeste vir sommige boere meegebring het. Met hierdie goeie neerslae in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Noordwes, KwaZulu-Natal en Gauteng het goeie watertoevloei na die land se vernaamste opgaardamme plaasvind. Lees meer



Suid-Afrika – ‘n land van droogtes en vloede

Agri SA het as lid van die Nasionale Rampbestuursadviesforum, die vergadering van die betrokke forum van 19 Maart 2014 bygewoon. Wat van belang is vir boere is die voordrag van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdienste wat gegaan het oor die lang termyn voorspelling vir die volgende kwartaal, waaruit geblyk het dat die reënval sal terugkeer na bonormaal en moontlik ondernormaal vir die winterseisoen. Wes en Suid-Kaap kan ‘n bonormale reënval verwag. Lees meer


Disaster aid

“Smart disaster aid”

Tydens ‘n onlangse vergadering van die Kommersiële Beleidskomitee van Agri SA, is daar na aanleiding van die ondoeltreffende wyse waarop ramphulp in Noordwes verleen is, besluit dat daar ondersoek ingestel moet word na “smart disaster aid” om meer intelligente maniere van ramphulp te ontwikkel. Die doel van die ondersoek is om wyses te vind om die totale afhanklikheid op ramphulp van die regering in die toekoms aan te spreek. Lees meer


Ontwikkelende boere

Onderhoud met Melanie Sommerville van die Universiteit van British Columbia, Vancouver, Kanada

Me Sommerville, wat besig is met haar doktorale studie oor die potensiaal vir nuwe finansieringsmodelle om klein en opkomende boere te ondersteun, het Agri SA genader om die onderwerp te bespreek. Die skrywer van die artikel en Livhuwani Ngwekhulu, Transformasie Bestuurder van Agri SA het haar te woord gestaan. Die Kanadese regering het soortgelyke probleem as Suid-Afrika met grondhervorming en grondeise ten opsigte van die sogenaamde “first nation people. Lees meer


Weed control

Croplife South Africa’s position statement on 2,4-D

The herbicide 2,4-D is a chlorophenoxyacetic acid that was discovered in 1942 by P.W. Zimmerman and A.E. Hitchkock1. It is a synthetic auxin that acts like indole acetic acid (IAA) and is selective for broad-leaved weed control in agriculture and horticulture. 2,4-D derivatives are readily absorbed by foliage of broad-leaved plants and moderately absorbed by the roots. Read more



Parliamentary report: January – February 2014

Annelize Crosby, Advisor Legal and Land Affairs, Parliamentary Liaison gives feedback on amongst other the Outcomes of the 9th Ministerial conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Minister Pravin Gordon’s budget speech, Property Valuation Bill, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on food labelling and food control services in South Africa and the Public hearings by the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform on the Property Valuation Bill. Read more



Agri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

Agri SA het die volgende mediaverklarings uitgereik.  Die volledige verklaring kan op Agri SA se webblad gelees word. Kliek hier Agri SA issued the following media statements.  The full statement could be read on Agri SA’s webpage. Click here 26 Maart/March 2014 Cairnsgroep se landbouleiers besin oor voedselsekerheid en landbouhandel CAIRNS GROUP’S FARM LEADERS DEBATE FOOD SECURITY AND AGRICUTURAL TRADE 6 Maart/March 2014 Arrestasie van verdagtes verwelkom ARREST OF SUSPECTS WELCOMED 24 Februarie/February 2014 Eiendomsreg en veiligheid moet verhewe wees bo politieke dienstigheid PROPERTY RIGHTS AND SAFETY MUST NOT BE SUBJECT TO POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY 10 Februarie/February 2014 Wat die landbousektor van die regering verwag WHAT THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR EXPECTS FROM GOVERNMENT 7 Februarie/February 2014 Agri SA ondersteun die verkiesingsproses AGRI SA IN SUPPORT OF THE ELECTION PROCESS



RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram.  Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied. RSG Landbou 31 Maart 2014: Dirk Hanekom – Agri Samos konferensie RSG Landbou 24 Maart 2014:  Annelize Crosby – Verblyfreg toestande plaaswerkers RSG Landbou 17 Maart 2014: Hendrik Ackerman – Beleidskomitee arbeid RSG Landbou 10 Maart 2014: Johannes Moller – Terugvoer ASUF RSG Landbou 3 Maart 2014: Theo Boshoff – Employment Encentive Act Langer onderhoude RSG Landbou 3 April 2014: Dirk Hanekom – Agri Samos kongres RSG Landbou 1 April 2014: Dawie Maree – Stygende voedselpryse RSG Landbou 26 Maart 2014: Annelize Crosby – Ondersoek na verblyfreg plaaswerkers RSG Landbou 13 Maart 2014: Johannes Moller – Terugvoer ASUF RSG Landbou 6 Maart: Annelize Crosby – Duidelikheid oor heropening van grondrestitusie RSG Landbou 26 Februarie 2014: Dawie Maree – Diesel rabat logboek


e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea or call 012-643 3400.

April 2014


Land reform

Consultative workshop on relative rights policy

Minister Nkwinti called a follow-up workshop on the draft policy
proposals, which proposes that each farm contributes 50% of the land
to farm workers on the basis of the number of years of service.  The
first consultative workshop was held in Soweto on 2 August 2013.  Agri
SA objected to this draft policy on the basis that the proposals were
unworkable, in all likelihood unconstitutional and may lead to
disinvestment in the sector and food insecurity.
Read more
Kliek hier
vir ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe van die artikel.



World Farmers Organization (WFO) met in Argentina

A delegation of Agri SA, under the leadership of Mr Johannes Möller,
president of Agri SA, recently attended a meeting of the WFO in Buenos
Aires, Argentina. The WFO is an international member based
organization whose mandate is to bring together farmer’ organizations
and agricultural cooperatives from all over the world, representing the
global community of farmers. WFO includes 65 members from fifty
different countries touching all regions of the world.
Read more


International trade

Update on the Department of Trade and Industry’s
negotiations for the protection of Geographical
Indications for agricultural products in the European

The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) is currently involved in the
process of negotiating a new Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
with the European Union (EU) which will replace the current Trade,
Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA). Bilateral recognition
and protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) for agricultural products
forms a key component of the negotiations.
Read more




Die dieselterugbetaling wat boere ontvang, is van 2 April 2014 verhoog
vanaf R1,75 c/l na R1,878 c/l op 80% van die toegelate dieselverbruik.
Dié verhoging spruit uit Pravin Gordhan se aankondiging in Februarie dat
die heffing van die padongelukkefonds met 8 c/l en die algemene
brandstofheffing met 12 c/l verhoog. By ‘n onlangse vergadering van die
Kommersiële Beleidskomitee van Agri SA is die belangrikheid van die
hou van logboeke weereens bespreek.
Lees meer


Landelike veiligheid

Agri Securitas Gholfdae nou deel van Old Mutual Agri
gholf reeks spesifiek vir landelike gebiede

Die Agri Securitas Gholfdae wat as fondsinsameling dien om
boerderygemeenskappe teen misdadigheid te help beskerm, vorm nou
deel van die gewilde Old Mutual International Pairs SA (Omipsa)
kompetisie. Dit is ‘n kompetisie wat in landelike gebiede aangebied word
waaraan boere en werknemers van agribesighede wat gholf speel, kan
deel neem.
Lees meer



Accounting for Agriculture: Regional half-day seminars
plus full-day conference

The SA Accounting Academy will be hosting its inaugural Accounting for
Agriculture seminars and conference across the country during May
2014. Designed for accountants with agricultural clients and business
owners/financial managers in agricultural businesses, you have a choice
of either attending a half-day seminar, which will cover the majority of
your most pressing issues in a practical, workshop-style format or a
one-day conference in Pretoria on 20 May. Read more



Connection of generation to Eskom’s low voltage

The South African customer perspective in terms of electricity usage is
evolving. This is a result of a number of factors including the rising
electricity prices, the threat of load curtailment at a time when South
Africa is faced with capacity constraints, the need to be energy efficient
and also the ever-rising need to demonstrate good citizenship by using
green energy. These factors have resulted in some customers (large
and small) considering alternative sources of energy. Amongst these
alternative energy sources considered is the increasing public interest to
install own generation. Read more
Kliek hier vir ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe van die berig.


Rural security

Gala evening in aid of farm safety coinciding with the Royal Show – 28 May 2014

The world is envious of South African farmers for their expertise in the agricultural field that continues to ensure that our country has sufficient food, notwithstanding the security threat that they must face on a daily basis. In the total picture of agricultural production, the South African farmer is an exception par excellence. Join us at this function and help the Agri Securitas Trust Fund, established by Agri SA, to protect our farmers as an asset for the future. Read more


Organised agriculture

Nation in conversation:  Nampo Harvest Day 2014

On Thursday, 15 May 2014, Agri SA’s Deputy-president, Dr Theo De Jager, will be part of a discussion panel to discuss: “The role of organised agriculture, PR in agriculture, changing role definitions” Senwes, an agricultural business in the North West province, has identified the need to host an event to facilitate stakeholder engagement and high level discussions around topical issues in the agricultural sector. Nampo was the ideal platform to launch this forum. Read more


Landelike veiligheid

Hulp met misdaadbekampingsinisiatiewe

Die voorkoms van plaasmisdaad soos moord, gewapende roof, veediefstal en so meer, is van die bedreigings wat ‘n nadelige effek op individue se veiligheid en die produksievermoë van die landbou het. Die fondse wat die Agri Securitas Trustfonds pas aan misdaadgeteisterde-boerderygemeenskappe landswyd bewillig het, sal bydra om hulle eie voorkomingsmaatreëls effektief te implementeer.  Lees meer


Natuurlike hulpbronne

Stand van damme

Die droogtetoestande in Noordwes, gedeeltes van suid en suidwes van Bloemfontein in die Vrystaat is finaal gebreek, terwyl goeie reën ook oor groot dele van Noord-Kaap  voorgekom het. Ongelukkig het die gunstige weerstoestande ook gepaard gegaan met vloede wat aansienlike skade aan infrastruktuur en oeste vir sommige boere meegebring het. Met hierdie goeie neerslae in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Noordwes, KwaZulu-Natal en Gauteng het goeie watertoevloei na die land se vernaamste opgaardamme plaasvind. Lees meer



Suid-Afrika – ‘n land van droogtes en vloede

Agri SA het as lid van die Nasionale Rampbestuursadviesforum, die vergadering van die betrokke forum van 19 Maart 2014 bygewoon. Wat van belang is vir boere is die voordrag van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdienste wat gegaan het oor die lang termyn voorspelling vir die volgende kwartaal, waaruit geblyk het dat die reënval sal terugkeer na bonormaal en moontlik ondernormaal vir die winterseisoen. Wes en Suid-Kaap kan ‘n bonormale reënval verwag. Lees meer


Disaster aid

“Smart disaster aid”

Tydens ‘n onlangse vergadering van die Kommersiële Beleidskomitee van Agri SA, is daar na aanleiding van die ondoeltreffende wyse waarop ramphulp in Noordwes verleen is, besluit dat daar ondersoek ingestel moet word na “smart disaster aid” om meer intelligente maniere van ramphulp te ontwikkel. Die doel van die ondersoek is om wyses te vind om die totale afhanklikheid op ramphulp van die regering in die toekoms aan te spreek. Lees meer


Ontwikkelende boere

Onderhoud met Melanie Sommerville van die Universiteit van British Columbia, Vancouver, Kanada

Me Sommerville, wat besig is met haar doktorale studie oor die potensiaal vir nuwe finansieringsmodelle om klein en opkomende boere te ondersteun, het Agri SA genader om die onderwerp te bespreek. Die skrywer van die artikel en Livhuwani Ngwekhulu, Transformasie Bestuurder van Agri SA het haar te woord gestaan. Die Kanadese regering het soortgelyke probleem as Suid-Afrika met grondhervorming en grondeise ten opsigte van die sogenaamde “first nation people. Lees meer


Weed control

Croplife South Africa’s position statement on 2,4-D

The herbicide 2,4-D is a chlorophenoxyacetic acid that was discovered in 1942 by P.W. Zimmerman and A.E. Hitchkock1. It is a synthetic auxin that acts like indole acetic acid (IAA) and is selective for broad-leaved weed control in agriculture and horticulture. 2,4-D derivatives are readily absorbed by foliage of broad-leaved plants and moderately absorbed by the roots. Read more



Parliamentary report: January – February 2014

Annelize Crosby, Advisor Legal and Land Affairs, Parliamentary Liaison gives feedback on amongst other the Outcomes of the 9th Ministerial conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Minister Pravin Gordon’s budget speech, Property Valuation Bill, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on food labelling and food control services in South Africa and the Public hearings by the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform on the Property Valuation Bill. Read more



Agri SA mediaverklarings / AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

Agri SA het die volgende mediaverklarings uitgereik.  Die volledige verklaring kan op Agri SA se webblad gelees word. Kliek hier Agri SA issued the following media statements.  The full statement could be read on Agri SA’s webpage. Click here 26 Maart/March 2014 Cairnsgroep se landbouleiers besin oor voedselsekerheid en landbouhandel CAIRNS GROUP’S FARM LEADERS DEBATE FOOD SECURITY AND AGRICUTURAL TRADE 6 Maart/March 2014 Arrestasie van verdagtes verwelkom ARREST OF SUSPECTS WELCOMED 24 Februarie/February 2014 Eiendomsreg en veiligheid moet verhewe wees bo politieke dienstigheid PROPERTY RIGHTS AND SAFETY MUST NOT BE SUBJECT TO POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY 10 Februarie/February 2014 Wat die landbousektor van die regering verwag WHAT THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR EXPECTS FROM GOVERNMENT 7 Februarie/February 2014 Agri SA ondersteun die verkiesingsproses AGRI SA IN SUPPORT OF THE ELECTION PROCESS



RSG Landbou

Agri SA is verantwoordelik vir die Maandag-inset op die RSG Landbouprogram.  Hieronder is ‘n link waar daar na onderhoude wat gevoer is geluister kan word.  Die onderhoud(e) word in ‘n MP3-formaat aangebied. RSG Landbou 31 Maart 2014: Dirk Hanekom – Agri Samos konferensie RSG Landbou 24 Maart 2014:  Annelize Crosby – Verblyfreg toestande plaaswerkers RSG Landbou 17 Maart 2014: Hendrik Ackerman – Beleidskomitee arbeid RSG Landbou 10 Maart 2014: Johannes Moller – Terugvoer ASUF RSG Landbou 3 Maart 2014: Theo Boshoff – Employment Encentive Act Langer onderhoude RSG Landbou 3 April 2014: Dirk Hanekom – Agri Samos kongres RSG Landbou 1 April 2014: Dawie Maree – Stygende voedselpryse RSG Landbou 26 Maart 2014: Annelize Crosby – Ondersoek na verblyfreg plaaswerkers RSG Landbou 13 Maart 2014: Johannes Moller – Terugvoer ASUF RSG Landbou 6 Maart: Annelize Crosby – Duidelikheid oor heropening van grondrestitusie RSG Landbou 26 Februarie 2014: Dawie Maree – Diesel rabat logboek

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