[:en]In a step towards enhancing collaboration with government, the South African wine and brandy industry will launch the WineBiz desk, with a dedicated stakeholder manager, in November.
The new strategic service will operate under the auspices of the industry organisations VinPro and Salba (SA Liquor Brandowners’ Association), from the offices of Agbiz (Agricultural Business Chamber) in Pretoria. Its main focus will be strengthening relationships with various national government departments and related stakeholders on key issues such as water and land reform, transformation, trade facilitation and market access, while promoting the image of the South African wine and brandy industry.
Michael Mokhoro has been appointed as stakeholder manager to establish the WineBiz desk. In his previous position as regulatory affairs manager at Distell, he has gained extensive experience in the field of stakeholder relations, building networks at various levels of government and other relevant groups.
“Closer collaboration with government on various fronts is a key priority for the South African wine and brandy industry. We are confident that the WineBiz desk, and especially Michael’s expertise, will open up continuous dialogue on legislative and other relevant issues to the benefit of the industry,” said Rico Basson, VinPro managing director.
Salba CEO Kurt Moore, emphasised the importance of the WineBiz desk being situated in Pretoria at the offices of Agbiz. “The fact that it is geographically close to National Government, as well as Agbiz’s existing ties with similar stakeholders WineBiz will focus on, will undoubtedly unlock various synergies.”
The WineBiz desk will be operational from 1 November 2015. It is a key outcome of the Wine Industry Strategic Exercise (WISE), through which the industry aims to boost profitability, global competitiveness and sustainability.
Salba is a voluntary trade association representing the interests of manufacturers and distributors of alcoholic beverages, and VinPro is the independent organisation that provides specialist services to South African wine producers and cellars and represents them on various forums.
[:za]Die Suid-Afrikaanse wyn- en brandewynbedryf vestig as deel van hul strategie om regeringsamewerking te verhoog, die WineBiz-lessenaar, met ʼn toegewyde belangegroep-bestuurder, in November.
Die nuwe strategiese diens sal onder die vaandel van die bedryfsorganisasies VinPro en Salba (SA Liquor Brandowners’ Association) funksioneer, en in die kantore van die Agbiz-landboubesigheidskamer in Pretoria gesetel wees. WineBiz sal op die versterking van verhoudings met verskeie nasionale regeringsdepartemente en verwante belangegroepe fokus – spesifiek ten opsigte van water en grondhervorming, transformasie, handelsfasilitering en marktoegang – en terselfdertyd ook die beeld van die Suid-Afrikaanse wyn- en brandewynbedryf bevorder.
Michael Mokhoro is as belangegroep-bestuurder aangestel om die WineBiz-lessenaar te vestig. In sy vorige posisie as bestuurder van regulatoriese aangeleenthede by Distell het hy uitgebreide ondervinding in die bestuur van belangegroep-verhoudings opgedoen en netwerke op verskeie vlakke van regering en met relevante groepe gebou.
“Nouer samewerking met die regering op verskeie vlakke is ʼn prioriteit vir die Suid-Afrikaanse wyn- en brandewynbedryf. Ons vertrou dat die WineBiz-lessenaar, en spesifiek Michael se kundigheid, ʼn platform vir deurlopende dialoog rondom wetgewings- en ander relevante aspekte sal skep, tot voordeel van die bedryf,” sê Rico Basson, VinPro se besturende direkteur.
Salba HUB Kurt Moore het die belangrikheid daarvan beklemtoon dat die WineBiz-lessenaar by Agbiz se kantore in Pretoria geleë sal wees. “Die feit dat dit geografies naby aan Nasionale Regering is, asook Agbiz se huidige netwerk met soortgelyke belangegroepe waarop WineBiz gaan fokus, sal ongetwyfeld verskeie sinergieë ontsluit.
Die WineBiz-lessenaar sal 1 November 2015 open. Dit is een van die kern-uitkomstes van die Wine Industry Strategic Exercise (WISE), waardeur die bedryf beoog om winsgewendheid, globale mededingendheid en volhoubaarheid te verhoog.
Salba is ʼn vrywillige handelsorganisasie wat die belange van vervaardigers en verspreiders van alkoholiese produkte verteenwoordig. VinPro is die onafhanklike organisasie wat gespesialiseerde dienste aan Suid-Afrikaanse wynprodusente en kelders verteenwoordig en hulle op verskeie forums verteenwoordig.