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OBP wants to be world player

Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP), who in the past struggled with the supply of some of its vaccines, wants to be a world player when the modernising of its buildings has been completed.

This government facility has been especially in the firing line because of vaccines that has not been readily available. According to its board of directors, its supply problems have now been resolved and vaccines are available to all its clients.  Read more …

More internal parasites

An increase in the number of animals affected by internal parasites was reported during April especially in areas where late rain fell, according to the monthly disease reports as informally reported by veterinarians.  

Mortalities due to wireworm infestation were reported. Be on the alert for signs indicating internal parasitism: anaemia, bottle jaw, weight loss and diarrhoea.  Animals under stress and lack of protein and energy are more susceptible to parasites.  Read more …


Impact reduction and adaptation to climate change in the Western Cape.
The recently launched SmartAgri project of the Western Cape Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs & Development Planning addressed the expected impact of climate change at regional and agro-ecological zone level. Below are key actions which farmers can implement in these areas, whereas more information can be obtained from the references provided at the end of the newsletter. These actions to varying degrees are also of value to livestock production systems in other provinces.  Read more …

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Executive council convenes

The national RPO recently held an Executive Council meeting, while the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum also convened.

One of the matters discussed during the meeting of the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum is the meeting that representatives had with Brigadier Venish Singh, the SAPS coordinator of stock theft units.

The problems experienced in the various provinces have been discussed, especially those of the Eastern Cape. As far as the Eastern Cape is concerned, it was resolved that a meeting will be held with all role players as a matter of great urgency. Steps will also be taken in the other provinces in an effort to ensure that the Stock Theft Prevention Forum functions optimally in each province.

A possible allowance for members of stock theft units, the availability of vehicles, the appointment of members of stock theft units, the J534-form and relevant legislation have also been discussed with Brigadier Singh.

Free State RPO and Mutton SA make Bloem Show a mutton feast!

Free State RPO and Mutton SA made huge waves at the recent Bloem Show.

With the aroma of delicious barbecued mutton taste bits in the air, they attracted all and sundry to “Die Padstal”. From sweet and sour mutton tails to “skilpadjies”, sheep dogs (the mutton version of a hot dog) and sheep spit on a bun, consumers freshly discovered their love for sheep meat.  Read more …

Removing environmental pollutants from raw meat

Six months ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer associated consumption of red meat and processed meat to cancer risk. However, in its analysis, it made no reference to some carcinogenic environmental pollutants that are already present in raw or unprocessed meat.

A study now shows that cooking processes that remove fat from meat can reduce the concentrations of these substances.  Read more …

Manual for the prevention of stock theft

The manual for the prevention of stock theft is the farmer’s one-stop guide to the prevention and handling of stock theft. It covers all aspects of stock theft and the combating thereof.

It consists of the following :-

Chapter 1 deals with the branding of stock. The increase in stock theft is in many instances attributable to the fact that animals are not marked properly. Feeding pens, farmers, speculators, auctioneers, abattoirs and buyers at auctions can knowingly or unknowingly be the receivers of stolen animals. In doing so they are breaking the law and stand to receive a hefty fine or be prosecuted. In the chapter, the identification of animals, the Animal Identification System, legal implications and Regulations are outlined, while it also contains a Marking manual for hot iron branding, freeze branding and tattooing.  Read more …

Does holistic planned grazing work in South Africa?

This is your chance to contribute to a national study on grazing intensity and Holistic Management.

As a livestock farmer, are you curious about the claims around holistic planned grazing or mob grazing or short-duration grazing? Could intensive grazing allow you to increase stocking rates and improve veld and animal production? The debate is still wide open.  Read more …

Beef prices expected to remain soft

Internationally, the beef market is expected to get some support in the short term due to a seasonal uptick, according to ABSA Agri Trends.

However, larger meat supply availability in the US continues to add a bearish tone. Locally, in terms of seasonality, prices are expected to remain soft.  Read more …

Mutton supply exceeds demand

Internationally, global lamb prices are steadily improving. Locally, It seems supply exceeds demand, which will add a bearish tone to the mutton market prices, according to ABSA Agri Trends.

The seasonal reduction in demand might also add pressure, due to cold temperatures which don’t support outdoor grilling.  Read more …

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