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Listen to some of the latest podcasts in the news. Contributors include the Agri Northern Cape President as well as other newsmakers.

Reason that solar systems are white elephants in the agricultural sector

by OFM | April 2023

Agri SA Toyota's young farmer competition and the "Red 'n Plaas" camino

by OFM | April 2023

The impact of load shedding on food prices and how SA is adapting to continued load shedding

by OFM | February 2023

Early Child Development Program and Electricity Disaster Declaration

by OFM | February 2023

We talk about rain in the summer sown area and the impending flood in the lower Orange river

by OFM | November 2022

La Nina-stelsel bring reën, weer in Aus stem ooreen met SA

by OFM | Maart 2022

Die verwoestende brande en droogte

by OFM | September 2021

Droogte en gaan Namakwaland blomme hê

by OFM | Julie 2021