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Agri Noord Kaap - e-Agri

e-Agri is the electronic newsletter of Agri SA. For comments and inquiries contact Thea at thea@agrisa.co.za or call 012-643 3400. Click here to visit our website.

Agri Noord Kaap - Christo van der Rheede interacts on many levels

Christo van der Rheede interacts on many levels …

Christo van der Rheede recently did a presentation about the impact of the Drought on Food security in southern Africa and highlighted the concerns regarding maize shortages in South Africa as well as our neighbouring countries as well as rising food prices on the most vulnerable in society. In a letter written to Agri SA, the Chief of the South African army, Lieutenant General L. Yam lauded Agri SA for the excellent presentation. Read more

Agri Noord Kaap - Donasies aan die Agri SA Droogterampfonds vloei steeds in

Donasies aan die Agri SA Droogterampfonds vloei steeds in

Meer as twee miljoen rand is die afgelope maand deur maatskappye soos Shell en Engen aan Agri SA se droogtefonds geskenk. Verder het SANSOR R50 000 geskenk. Kospakkies is ook deur Shoprite aan plaaswerkergemeenskappe in droogtegeteisterde gebiede in Jozini, KZN en Steinkopf in Namakwaland geskenk. Kommersiële- en opkomende landbouers in die Springbok-gebied het 2 400 sakke voerpille ontvang en in Noordwes is 300 vragte mieliereste by landbouers afgelewer. Lees meer

Agri Noord Kaap - Agri SA commits to greater momentum to eradicate rural crime
Rural safety

Agri SA commits to greater momentum to eradicate rural crime

The meeting between Agri SA and police management under the chairmanship of the acting National Commissioner, Lt. Gen Phahlane, gave further momentum to police initiatives to eradicate crime in rural farming areas. In a constructive meeting, the good working relationship between the two organisations, was the cornerstone for discussing practical suggestions on how to progress with various strategies to deal with crime issues and to ensure continuous collaboration and co-operation, reports Kobus Visser, Kobus Visser, Director: Corporate Liaison of Agri SA. Read more about the discussions in the press release following later in the newsletter.

Agri Noord Kaap - Roundtable discussion on farm killings
Rural safety

Roundtable discussion on farm killings

Agri SA attended the discussion hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together the public, private sector and civil society to speak with one voice and to work together as a team to combat this act of brutality. In his address, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Mr Zokwana said that in recent years, we have witness some brutal attacks against the farming community, both farm owners and farm workers. Read more

Agri Noord Kaap - Nog jongboer finaliste aangewys

Nog jongboer finaliste aangewys

Die volgende jongboer finaliste vir die Toyota SA/Agri SA 2016 Jongboer van die Jaar kompetisie is pas aangewys. Die nasionale wenner sal later vanjaar aangewys word. Dit is die twaalfde jaar dat Toyota SA die kompetisie borg. Agri SA beskou die kompetisie as van groot waarde omdat jong rolmodelle geïdentifiseer word en noodsaaklik is vir nuwe toetreders en ook vir die toekoms van die bedryf. Die finaliste is die room van die jongboere van Suid-Afrika. Lees meer

Agri Noord Kaap - International Labour Organisation’s Conference 2016

International Labour Organisation’s Conference 2016

The annual conference of the International Labour Organisation was held from 30 May 2016 to 10 June 2016.  This year, the South African Minister of Labour, Ms Mildred Oliphant was chosen as the President of the Conference and chaired the conference. On the agenda, among others, were global supply chains, decent work for peace, security and disaster resillience.  Read more

Agri Noord Kaap - Fieldworkers to conduct health survey in households

International Labour Organisation’s Conference 2016

The annual conference of the International Labour Organisation was held from 30 May 2016 to 10 June 2016.  This year, the South African Minister of Labour, Ms Mildred Oliphant was chosen as the President of the Conference and chaired the conference. On the agenda, among others, were global supply chains, decent work for peace, security and disaster resillience.  Read more

Agri Noord Kaap - Strategiese vennootskappe
Agri SA/Agri Securitas

Strategiese vennootskappe

Agri SA en die Agri Securitas Trustfonds het strategiese vennootskappe met die privaatsektor gesluit tot voordeel van lede van die landbousektor. Dié ondernemings maak finansiële bydraes tot Agri SA en die Trustfonds se werksaamhede. Lees meer oor ons vennote

Agri Noord Kaap - Agri SA mediaverklarings/AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

Agri SA mediaverklarings/AGRI SA MEDIA RELEASES

10 Junie/June 2016
Agri SA vra dat die land as ‘n nasionale rampgebied verklaar word
Agri SA calls for a National Disaster Declaration
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10 June 2016
Agri SA commits to greater momentum to eradicate rural crime
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24 Mei/May 2016
Agri SA reageer op jongste uitlatings van Minister Nkwinti oor grondplafonne
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23 Mei/May 2016
Agri SA elated over Eastern Cape High Court Judgement on provincial roads
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17 Mei/Mei 2016
Agri SA spreek sy kommer uit oor droogte in Limpopo
Agri SA expresses concern over drought in Limpopo
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13 Mei/Mei 2016
Agri SA reageer op Gekose Komitee se goedkeuring van die Onteieningswetsontwerp
Agri SA reacts to approval by select Committee of Expropriation Bill
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5 May 2016
Agri SA on farm attacks and murders at the World Farmers Organisation
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In die nuus…

As Suid-Afrikaners besef ons almal hoe ’n integrale deel landbou van ons ekonomie en bestaan is. Omri van Zyl sluit by ons aan om die ekonomiese impak van landbou kwessies te bekyk.
Kyk insetsel

Momentum bou teen landelike misdaad
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Water and Sanitation on Dam levels
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Droogte inset op Fokus
Kyk insetsel

Mike Mlengana to take over as director-general of DAFF
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Om vooruit te kan boer
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Droogte ruk die sak
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Onteieningswetsontwerp: ongrondwetlik of noodsaaklik?
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RSG Landbou 16 Junie 2016

Daar is ‘n hele paar sake wat mens mee rekening moet hou as jy ‘n boorgat wil sink. Albertus Lombard verduidelik meer daaroor. Daar is ook ‘n gesprek oor kommersiële Drakensbergers. Dan gesels Lise Roberts met die Wes-Kaapse Jongboer van die Jaar, Jaques Beukes. Jy sal agerkom dat hy baie passie het en selfs met ‘n suksesvolle transformasieprojek begin het.
Luister onderhoud

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