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The President of Agri Northern Cape, Mr Henk van Wyk, invited all delegates and members to the AGRI Northern Cape 2016 Congress opening. He asked everybody to join in the discussing of the 37th Congress theme “Agriculture – our future too!” so that we can make critical and direction-giving decisions regarding a future-oriented strategy for agriculture, and specifically organised agriculture. The congress was held on 24 & 25 August 2016.

What must the plan entail and does it require a change of direction? How must we position ourselves strategically?

Be part of the discussion and help us to devise plans to place ourselves amidst the current economic, social and political instability with a view to addressing constitutional challenges.

Ladies enjoyed an exciting programme with the well-known Nina Brown!

Download the full program with agenda, speakers, sponsors and other information (4 MB) – click here

AGRI NK President 2016 - Henk van Wyk

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