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Small-scale maize millers set to boost food security
MAIZE millers can expect more competition with the planned rollout of 24 micro mills as part of an initiative by the Department of Trade and Industry to improve food security and reduce the price of maize meal by up to 37%.
Food loss in the African value chain
Sub-Saharan Africa has seen growth in food security with more stable politics and economic development, despite the difficulties of the African environment according to the 2014 Global Food Security Index released by DuPont and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
‘R700 miljoen se vee jaarliks in SA gesteel’
Sowat R700 miljoen se vee word jaarliks in Suid-Afrika gesteel.  Van die 61 000 beeste wat gesteel word, word net 40% teruggevind en van die 81 000 skape word net 21% weer gevind, het Jacques Swanepoel, visevoorsitter van die nasionale veediefstalforum, eergister hier op die Noordwes-rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (NWRPO) se jaarkongres gesê.
Oos Vrystaatboere veg terug teen veediefstal
Boere in die Oos-Vrystaat en veral langs die Lesotho-grens word gereeld deur oorgrens-veestrooptogte geteister en moet gedurig plan maak om die booswigte se nuutste werkswyses te fnuik.
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