Inflasie: Skokstyging in kospryse |
Die verbruikersprysindeks (VPI) – die amptelike maatstaf van inflasie – het in April tot 6,1% gestyg, het Statistieke Suid-Afrika bekend gemaak. |
Jonges vir die landbou gelok |
‘n Tentoonstelling oor loopbane in die landbou word by Tukkies gehou om jong mense te lok om die bedryf te betree. |
The Predation Management Forum news letter |
The Predation Management Forum aims to provide guidelines and advice to producers to manage predation in the most humane and environmentally sustainable manner, i.e. guide producers to integrated management. Producers are in fact not harming wildlife, but managing them. |
Congo harvest time |
Please take note that there will be a television broadcast on DSTV channel 144 KYKNET, about the Convoy and Settlement of the South African Farmers in the Congo on Sunday 25th May at 16h00. |
Nasie in gesprek tydens Nampo 2014 |
Hoogtepunte van Dag 1 se gesprek uitgesaai word op DV Sondag 25 Mei om 12:00 op kykNET, kanaal 144. |
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