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Zokwana sê SA doen grond agterstevoor – 10/06/2015
Landbouminister Senzeni Zokwana het hom sterk uitgespreek oor die manier waarop grondhervorming in Suid-Afrika plaasvind.
SA agriculture grows jobs towards 1 million target – 09/06/2015
In the first quarter of 2015, South Africa’s agriculture sector made significant headway towards meeting the target of creating one million additional jobs set for it by the National Development Plan.
Africans negotiate ‘one trade regime’ for common market– 08/06/2015
The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) is to be launched at a summit of heads of state and government on Wednesday in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, aimed at establishing a common framework for tariff preferences along with other commitments.
Bokhaar 201507 markverslag – 07/2015
Die finale veiling van die 2015 somerseisoen het vandag plaasgevind, met 124 232 kg wat aangebied is en ‘n verkoopspersentasie van 92%.
Agri Trends 05 June 2015
Debt increases may compel producers to increase savings
The debt to fixed asset ratio of producers has weakened during the last 9 years from 39% in 2006 to 60% in 2014. Keep in mind that the weakening debt to asset ratio weakened to 60% irrespective of the significant increase in land values over the same period. The debt to total assets ratio (Including machinery, implements and inputs) weakened from 20% to 32%.
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