Zokwana sê SA doen grond agterstevoor – 10/06/2015 |
Landbouminister Senzeni Zokwana het hom sterk uitgespreek oor die manier waarop grondhervorming in Suid-Afrika plaasvind. |
SA agriculture grows jobs towards 1 million target – 09/06/2015 |
In the first quarter of 2015, South Africa’s agriculture sector made significant headway towards meeting the target of creating one million additional jobs set for it by the National Development Plan. |
Africans negotiate ‘one trade regime’ for common market– 08/06/2015 |
The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) is to be launched at a summit of heads of state and government on Wednesday in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, aimed at establishing a common framework for tariff preferences along with other commitments. |
Bokhaar 201507 markverslag – 07/2015 |
Die finale veiling van die 2015 somerseisoen het vandag plaasgevind, met 124 232 kg wat aangebied is en ‘n verkoopspersentasie van 92%. |
Agri Trends 05 June 2015 |
Debt increases may compel producers to increase savings The debt to fixed asset ratio of producers has weakened during the last 9 years from 39% in 2006 to 60% in 2014. Keep in mind that the weakening debt to asset ratio weakened to 60% irrespective of the significant increase in land values over the same period. The debt to total assets ratio (Including machinery, implements and inputs) weakened from 20% to 32%. |