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DAFF’s climate advisory for 2014/15 summer season
Normal rainfall was received over the majority of winter rainfall areas during the 2013 winter season, while much of the central and eastern parts of the country received below normal rainfall. The veld and livestock remain in poor condition in most summer rainfall areas, awaiting grass regrowth, following the dry winter. Summer rain-fed crop farmers have begun planting in areas that have received significant rainfall.
Agri SA se adjunk-president positief oor toekoms van landbou
Vrystaat Landbou se Dan Kriek, wat verlede week tot adjunkpresident van Agri SA verkies is, sê hy is nou nóg meer positief oor die toekoms van landbou, nadat grondsakeminister Gugile Nkwinti en landbouminister Senzeni Zokwana, albei op Agri SA se kongres verlede maand hande van samewerking na boere uitgereik het.
Over 300 job opportunities for agriculture sector
More than 300 people from historically disadvantaged communities will receive training to work in the agriculture sector in an initiative that is set to address scarce and critical skills
Absa’s Agri Trends of the week of 30 1ctober 2014
Namibia to start to export beef to China and Russia
South Africa is Namibia’s largest trading partner, with about 490 000 livestock imported into South Africa per year from Namibia, and about 17000 tons of processed meats.

Absa’s Cumulus (weather report)

The main area of precipitation during the past week was, unlike during much of October, located towards the central, southeastern and western parts of SouthAfrica.
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